EQ2 Creatures

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ttobey, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Darkholis Active Member

    Haha, completly forgot about those :D nice find
  2. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    I think the void beasts are perhaps unique to EQ2. I've never seen the likes anywhere else.



  3. Shanak Member

    I know rust monsters aren't unique, but the eq2 version might be. Who doesn't love those little guys?
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    Fighters in Fullplate, in DnD last week my poor Paladin of Shaelin almost lost her 1000gp Fullplate to one (she does not have anywhere near the money to replace it).
  5. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    Yeah, and Ms. Frisby says, "hi".

    I vote for the Meatbeast as EQ2's spokescreature.
  6. Britefire New Member

    I think that the meatbeast is definitely unique in terms of fantasy monsters!

    Ouch, good thing that didn't happen, fullplate isn't that easy to replace...
  7. Estred Well-Known Member

    Luckily we are still in Ashelon which is a major city, finding it wouldn't be an issue. Paying for it would have been :) though we almost died to a party for 4 from the Black Battalion, luckily our Bard made one heck of a bluff check and convinced them the mishap their comrade had (he shot himself in the head by fumbling his bow) was done by him.
  8. Emissary Vex Active Member

  9. Darkholis Active Member

  10. Emissary Vex Active Member

    As ttoby already reiterated, he is looking for monsters unique to the eq universe. Not mobs that exist in eq2 and not eq1.
  11. Darkholis Active Member

  12. Emissary Vex Active Member

    Unless he is looking for mobs that are unique not only to fantasy in general but also not EQ1. Hopefully he will clarify again.
  13. Lizabethan Active Member

    Well, I've never seen this freaky little guy anywhere else but here..


    *Tries to resist overwhelming urge to whack screen with a rolling pin*
    Sigrdrifa likes this.
  14. Lament Active Member

    It has been many years since I owned a Monster Manual, but I would go with:

    The Leviathan
    Evil Eyes (as they are very separate to the Beholder model, even though they share the same LnL)
    Anything from Klak'anon
    Erudite's (Though SoE so ripped Erudites off of 1980's / 1990's Tefal advertising)
  15. Lament Active Member


    I see your Doll of Nyth and raise you a Sackboy......
  16. Arieste Well-Known Member

    This is true. But this is also true for pretty much every fantasy creature. Billy? Well, Chuckie was a sentient doll.. and golems appear in lots of literature. Void beast looks extremely similar to abyssal beasts in the Secret World, etc.

    Anything CAN be found somewhere else if you look hard enough and make enough of a stretch. I think it's best to focus on which creatures would be MOST associated with EQ2 than anything else. Certainly all the void-related creatures fit that i think.
  17. Darkholis Active Member

    Sounds like my initial list was pretty much spot on :D
  18. Obano Well-Known Member

    Drinal = Anubis the Egyptian god of the dead. Even copied his weapon crescent moon staff.

    Roehn Theer is just a winged Gargoyle.
    The Void Beast is a "Space Lobster" from Outer Limits 1960 TV show.
    Munzok is just a "Grey" alien with extra eyes
    Amalgamon = Wing weaver

    There almost no unique ideas in EQ2 except a handful of wacky things like Meatbeast. There are a lot of creatures called Leviathan in mythology but EQ2 design of it is rather unique.
  19. Kelvmor Active Member

    I can't find pictures of a "Space Lobster" anywhere, but I'm certain they don't look /anything/ like the Void Beasts.
  20. Cube Active Member

    I want to ride a kangaroo lack of kangaroos is a problem for this game.

    I want to be a kangaroo to and have a race like the ratonga call the rootonga and they have boomerang weapons.

    And those Otter guys from everquest 1 that wore top hats what ever their names are.