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Epic Spell questline

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Taled, Dec 2, 2022.

  1. Taled Well-Known Member


    Step 1: Complete the ADVENTURING signature line. \aACH 2583548523:Renewal of Ro\/a

    Step 2: Complete all the music box quests. (POI and dropped quests: see https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1045433152350470205/1047942026534068304/RoR_POI-Dropped.xlsx for a spreadsheet with details; see \aACH 544447092:What a Concoctive Octave\/a & \aACH 1423217583: Please Don't Diatonic\/a (Remove the space before the P, it keeps turning it into :p, lol) for completion in game

    Step 3: Go to /way 121.24 -59.93 502.29 in Hopewell Harbor and turn in sets [ALL THREE] of the new fertilizer `\aITEM -623513955 1711825975 0 0 0:[chest of scorpion exoskeletons]\/a & \aITEM -105754051 1974373068 0 0 0:[red desert sand]\/a &\aITEM -781273672 -198050688 0 0 0:[desert charger horns]\/a to Merchant Fiza Tazi - Seems to be somewhere around a 20% chance to receive your classes 'Manaspark Lotus Flower' \aITEM 346833094 1476987045 0 0 0:[Manaspark Lotus Flower]\/a

    Step 4: Inspect the 'Manaspark Lotus Flower' to start your epic spell quest and receive your apprentice version.


    The journeyman epic spell upgrade is rewarded by completing a specific Renewal of Ro solo instance, according to your class:

    Assassin: Kigathor's Glade
    Beastlord: Blood and Sand
    Berserker: Kigathor's Glade
    Brigand: Foundation of Knowledge
    Bruiser: Terrene Threshhold
    Channeler: Blood and Sand
    Coercer: Kigathor's Glade
    Conjuror: Eye of Night
    Defiler: Eye of the Storm
    Dirge: Sultan's Dagger
    Fury: Foundation of Knowledge
    Guardian: Kigathor's Glade
    Illusionist: Kigathor's Glade
    Inquisitor:Terrene Threshhold
    Monk: Terrene Threshhold
    Mystic: Eye of the Storm
    Necromancer: Eye of Night
    Paladin: Overgrowth
    Ranger: Kigathor's Glade
    Shadowknight: Overgrowth
    Swashbuckler: Foundation of Knowledge
    Templar: Terrene Threshhold
    Troubador: Sultan's Dagger
    Warden: Foundation of Knowledge
    Warlock: Sultan's Dagger
    Wizard: Sultan's Dagger
    Rosebelle, Feara, Keffin and 10 others like this.
  2. Taled Well-Known Member

    ADEPT EPIC SPELL -- NOTE: These *CAN* drop in the Summer Jubilee zone 'Triad of Elements'!

    The Adept spell update requires you to get a mythical drop (Archtype's <something> <something> - EG, 'Crusader's Glyphed Gem'. These can drop in one run or a LOT of runs; It does not require graceless and does not require you to be solo. These are guaranteed as a possible drop in the listed instances below, and ALSO drop in Eye of Night or Eye of the Storm - Grange Grave classes from Eye of Night; Sacred Gift classes from Eye of the Storm. IF YOU GET YOUR DROP FROM ANY OTHER INSTANCE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

    After getting your dropped mythical quest update, on inspecting the item it tells you to find one of four 'Traveling Researcher' (by archtype) in one of the three overland zones. See below the class list for locations.

    Assassin: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Beastlord: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Berserker: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Brigand: Drops Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Bruiser: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Channeler: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Coercer: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Conjuror: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Defiler: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Dirge: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Fury: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Guardian: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Illusionist: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Inquisitor: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Monk: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Mystic: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Necromancer: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Paladin: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Ranger: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Shadowknight: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Swashbuckler: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Templar: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Troubador: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Warden: Drops in Grave Grange [ALSO: Eye of Night]
    Warlock: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]
    Wizard: Drops in Sacred Gift [ALSO: Eye of the Storm]

    [NOTE: Researchers are on a 22 hour timer, Mage/Fighter are on the same timer, Healer and Scout are all on different timers. There are three separate spawn timers running for the four researchers. These spawn on different timers by server.]

    MAGE -- Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Wanderer: /way -419.85 -59.44 848.07
    HEALER -- Takish Badlands: Filowen Curetouch - /way -348.30, 217.24, -244.53
    SCOUT -- Takish Badlands: Angrus Silentfang - /way 667.25, 247.34, -475.82
    FIGHTER -- Sandstone Delta: Balkot Stonefury - /way 0.41 -5.65 556.19


    EXPERT EPIC SPELL: These updates are the same type as the Journeyman updates. Automatic from killing the final named in a specific H1 instance.

    Assassin: Blood and Sand - H1
    Beastlord: Kigathor's Glade - H1
    Berserker: Foundation of Knowledge - H1
    Brigand:Sultan's Dagger - H1
    Bruiser: Eye of Night - H1
    Channeler: Kigathor's Glade - H1
    Coercer: Eye of Night - H1
    Conjuror: Terrene Threshhold - H1
    Defiler: Kigathor's Glade - H1
    Dirge: Overgrowth - H1
    Fury: Sultan's Dagger - H1
    Guardian: Foundation of Knowledge - H1
    Illusionist: Eye of Night - H1
    Inquisitor: Eye of the Storm - H1
    Monk: Eye of Night - H1
    Mystic: Kigathor's Glade - H1
    Necromancer: Terrene Threshhold - H1
    Paladin: Terrene Threshhold - H1
    Ranger: Blood and Sand - H1
    Shadowknight: Terrene Threshhold - H1
    Swashbuckler: Sultan's Dagger - H1
    Templar: Eye of the Storm - H1
    Troubador: Overgrowth - H1
    Warden: Sultan's Dagger - H1
    Warlock: Eye of the Storm - H1
    Wizard: Eye of the Storm - H1

    Feara, Keffin, Virtuosity and 2 others like this.
  3. Taled Well-Known Member

    MASTER Epic Spell -- NOTE: These *CAN* drop in the Summer Jubilee SOLO zone 'Triad of Elements'

    Mythical drop from final boss (in an exquisite chest) (1/4/23: So far all drops are confirmed in Grange & Gift; No other zones. Removed zone confirmation/unconfirmed; EH2 zones is where the drops are.)


    Assassin: [Predator's Deific Statuette]
    Beastlord: [Beastlord's Taming Bait]
    Berserker: [Warrior's Savior Crown]
    Brigand: [Rogue's Deific Statuette]
    Bruiser: [Brawler's Savior Crown]
    Channeler: [Channeler's Blue Diamond]
    Coercer: [Enchanter's Bone Abacus]
    Conjuror: [Summoner's Bone Abacus]
    Defiler: [Shaman's Spiritual Amulet]
    Dirge: [Bard's Deific Statuette]
    Fury: [Druid's Stored Essences]
    Guardian: [Warrior's Mark of Renewal]
    Illusionist: [Enchanter's Bottled Spirit]
    Inquisitor: [Cleric's Spiritual Amulet]
    Monk: [Brawler's Mark of Renewal]
    Mystic: [Shaman's Stored Essences]
    Necromancer: [Summoner's Bottled Spirit]
    Paladin: [Crusader's Mark of Renewal]
    Ranger: [Predator's Gambling Coin]
    Shadowknight: [Crusader's Savior Crown]
    Swashbuckler: [Rogue's Gambling Coin]
    Templar: [Cleric's Stored Essences]
    Troubador: [Bard's Gambling Coin]
    Warden: [Druid's Spiritual Amulet]
    Warlock: [Sorcerer's Bottled Spirit]
    Wizard: [Sorcerer's Bone Abacus]

    MAGE -- Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Wanderer: /way -419.85 -59.44 848.07
    HEALER -- Takish Badlands: Filowen Curetouch - /way -348.30, 217.24, -244.53
    SCOUT -- Takish Badlands: Angrus Silentfang - /way 667.25, 247.34, -475.82
    FIGHTER -- Sandstone Delta: Balkot Stonefury - /way 0.41 -5.65 556.19

    GRANDMASTER EPIC SPELL: These updates are the same type as the Journeyman and Expert updates. Automatic from killing the final named in a specific H2 instance. [Update 12/28/22 - Looks like these match zones by paired classes as the lower versions do as well; Defiler/Mystic is first confirmation of that but would appreciate further confirmation.]

    Assassin: Eye of the Storm - H2
    Beastlord: Foundation of Knowledge - H2
    Berserker: Eye of the Storm - H2
    Brigand: Eye of Night - H2
    Bruiser: Foundation of Knowledge H2
    Channeler: Foundation of Knowledge - H2
    Coercer: Foundation of Knowledge - H2
    Conjuror: Eye of Night - H2
    Defiler: Terrene Threshold - H2
    Dirge: Eye of Night - H2
    Fury: Eye of Night - H2
    Guardian: Eye of the Storm - H2
    Illusionist: Foundation of Knowledge - H2
    Inquisitor: (SHOULD be Foundation of Knowledge H2)
    Monk: Foundation of Knowledge - H2
    Mystic: Terrene Threshold - H2
    Necromancer: Eye of Night - H2
    Paladin: Eye of the Storm - H2
    Ranger: Eye of the Storm - H2
    Shadowknight: Eye of the Storm - H2
    Swashbuckler: Eye of Night - H2
    Templar: Foundation of Knowledge - H2
    Troubador: Eye of Night - H2
    Warden: Eye of Night - H2
    Warlock: Terrene Threshold - H2
    Wizard: Terrene Threshold - H2

    Keffin, Virtuosity and Suidakra like this.
  4. Taled Well-Known Member

    Ancient Spell Upgrade:

    Update : We know for sure that Ancients take two updates; One T2 raid kill and one T3. Ensure that your journal updates when you get the message stating your quest updated or you got the ancient spell. (The text from getting the first update matches: "#00FF00You feel a surge of sudden power, but it was not quite enough... You should seek a stronger target." -- This is when your quest updates from the T2 mob to 'find a tougher mob' meaning go kill the T3 mob.]

    Update: I should have noted this previously, but when you ACTUALLY get the T2 update, your journal will update like so: [IMG]

    [Note: The (Xst/Xnd/Xth) is the order in zone, not the number of kills it takes to get the update.]

    (Note - 7/1/23 - Informed today of a Crusader getting T2 from Malformed Prophet. Not 100% sure whether it should be Prophet or Rotgut, though I never had secondary confirmation on Rotgut so likely it is actually Prophet)

    Assassin: Poacher Paol - T2 // [Jellyfisher (5th)?] - T3
    Beastlord: Avenging Desert Spirit - T2 // Desert Wildcat Matron (2nd) - T3
    Berserker: Lockmaw - T2 // [Ragtag (4th)?] - T3
    Brigand: (Tsmang Blightswarm Broodmaster?) - T2 // [Fuhngus (1st)?] - T3
    Bruiser: Avenging Desert Spirit - T2 // Ragtag (4th) - T3
    Channeler: Avenging Desert Spirit - T2 // Desert Wildcat Matron (2nd) - T3 (T3 matches BL, not positive on T2 but most likely does)
    Coercer: Malformed Prophet - T2 // Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd) - T3
    Conjuror: Tsmang Blightswarm Broodmaster - T2 // Desert Wildcat Matron (2nd) - T3
    Defiler: Scythe Rotgut - T2 // Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd) - T3
    Dirge: Scythe Rotgut - T2 // Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd) - T3
    Fury: Poacher Paol - T2 // Fuhngus (1st) - T3
    Guardian: Lockmaw - T2 // Ragtag (4th) - T3
    Illusionist: (Malformed Prophet?) - T2 // [Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd)?] - T3
    Inquisitor: Malformed Prophet - T2 // Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd) - T3
    Monk: (Avenging Desert Spectre?) - T2 // [Ragtag (4th)?] - T3
    Mystic: (Scythe Rotgut?) - T2 // Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd) - T3
    Necromancer: Tsmang Blightswarm Broodmaster - T2 // Desert Wildcat Matron (2nd) - T3
    Paladin: Malformed Prophet - T2 // [Ragtag (4th)?] - T3
    Ranger: [Poacher Paol?] - T2 // Jellyfisher (5th) - T3
    Shadowknight: Malformed Prophet - T2 // Ragtag (4th) - T3
    Swashbuckler: Tsmang Blightswarm Broodmaster - T2 // Fuhngus (1st) - T3
    Templar: Malformed Prophet - T2 // Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd) - T3
    Troubador: Scythe Rotgut - T2 // Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd)- T3
    Warden: [Poacher Paol?] - T2 // Fuhngus (1st) - T3
    Warlock: [Lockmaw?] - T2 // Jellyfisher (5th) - T3
    Wizard: Lockmaw - T2 // Jellyfisher (5th) - T3

    T2 Updates:
    Tsmang Blightswarm Broodmaster - Rogues, (Summoner?);
    Lockmaw - Warriors, Sorcerers;
    Malformed Prophet - Cleric, Enchanter, Crusader

    Avenging Desert Spirit - Beastlord, Brawler, Channeler;
    Poacher Paol - Druid, Predator;
    Scythe Rotgut - Bard, Shaman

    T3 Updates:
    Fuhngus (1st) - Rogues, Druids,
    Desert Wildcat Matron (2nd) - Beastlord, Channeler, Summoner
    Mhyt-Moo Migmu (3rd) - Bards, Clerics, Enchanters, Shamans
    Ragtag (4th) - Brawler, Crusader, Warrior
    Jellyfisher (5th) - Predator, Sorcerers,


    As it turns out, the Celestial update is *also* two updates. The first update appears to come from one of the first five named in "Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn", with the final update almost certainly being from Aldys, Sultan of Daggers. (The expansion boss)

    The first update is NOT guaranteed; the final updates SHOULD be guaranteed. CONFIRMED updates are:
    (NOTE: Gninja has stated (in Raid Council, I assume) that all raid updates will be 100% in an upcoming update 'soon')

    (1st) Poacher Paol the Persistent: Channeler (Beastlord?); Ranger (Predator?); Fury (Druid?); [Coercer (Enchanter?)]; Conjuror (Summoner?);
    (2nd) Raajis Viruniq, Rath'Mana Incarnate: Shaman; [Coercer]
    (3rd) Nirag, Boundless Titan:
    (4th) Stonestong, Death's Throes: Dirge (Bard)
    (5th) Veagth the Unnatural: Brigand (Rogue?)

    (Boss) Aldys, Sultan of Daggers: CONFIRMED auto update for final step.
    Pantaro and Beee like this.
  5. tbone88888 New Member

    Necro is Eye of Night.
    Taled likes this.
  6. Fidd New Member

    Brigand: Foundation of Knowledge
    Taled likes this.
  7. Sanshiro New Member

    Ranger: Kigathor's Glade
    Taled likes this.
  8. Priority Well-Known Member

    SK Overgrowth
    Taled likes this.
  9. Kadischaa New Member

    Illy : Kigathor's Glade
    Taled likes this.
  10. Rushd Active Member

    Troubador: Sultan's Dagger
    Taled likes this.
  11. Brailyn Member

    Or - just a solo fabled mount /sigh
  12. Naramee Active Member

    I keep turning in and turning in and turning in and all I get are shinys:(;):)
  13. Taled Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I still havent even *seen* an exquisite box. There is obviously either something that we are missing that is completely hidden, or it is just absolutely ridiculously rare.

    I know some folks took over 20 turn ins.. % chance is rough.

    This is the main reason I am thinking the adept drop is just a ridiculously low chance, but I'm not sure.
  14. Miaga Member

    Took me 23 turn ins and about 3 hours to get all the charger horns to turn in, now 2nd run through zones for the next step done and got nothing. I really dislike these luck/rng based things, rewards should not be based on digital dice rolls. At least in the main the common (cannot bring myself so call them epic) spells are not worth stressing over I guess.
  15. Airablade Active Member

    Warden Journeyman come from Foundation of Knowledge
    Taled likes this.
  16. Kodamungus Active Member

    Bruiser confirmed for Terrene Threshhold
    Taled likes this.
  17. Benj Well-Known Member

    I want to add all of this to the wiki, but I'm not entirely sure where to put it. Each class gets its own quest (i.e. they all have different quest names), but it's basically the same quest for all of them. I started a page for Paladin's Holy Stampede, but having 26 different pages that all give the same instructions (barring minor differences) is poorly organized.
    Taled likes this.
  18. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I am planning to pop it on the wiki when we get a little more info filled in. Probablt tomorrow. I'm probably gonna set up a page just for this, and link it on the main RoR timeline page.

    I'm waiting to find out if there's a specific quest name for any of this.
  19. Benj Well-Known Member

    On my Paladin, the quest name was "Paladin's Holy Stampede". I'm assuming then that every class sees a different quest name, in the form of "<class>'s <ability>".
  20. Taled Well-Known Member

    They're all named specifically for the class ability. My suggestion for the wiki, personally, would be to either put it under 'Epic Spell Timeline' or 'Manaspark Lotus Flower' and have a redirect for each of the class spell names.