Elif Whitewind, Torden Expert

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Mercychalice, May 26, 2018.

  1. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    Can you please check the Torden Bastion of Thunder, Elif Whitewind fight? People are dying to Wail when there is no arcane detriment on them. I can't cure what I can't see. Thank you.
  2. Leed Active Member

    Wail is a buff on the named that you have to dispell, not a detriment on the player that you cure.
  3. Hdizzleh Member

    I, too, am having this issue but with the detriment not appearing... We get the message saying it wasn't removed in time. Sometimes I can see the dets and therefor cure them, but sometimes people are dying and I never saw a detriment on them at all...

    Maj,dul server
  4. Gninja Developer

    Wail is cast on the boss, not the players. I will adjust the message to be a bit more clear.
    Mercychalice and Spindle like this.
  5. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    Thank you Gninja. Clarity is much appreciated!