Elemental Blast. Anybody having problems still?

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by jbc1948, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. jbc1948 Well-Known Member

    Ok EB got patched twice today. First it was listed as hitting twice but guess that was a mistake so bonus DT and now it has one hit.
    Pets no longer dies and no caster damage so that's good.
    Spell seems to work ok in solo zones.
    the problem I'm having and have had since they first changed EB for the original multi hit spell is that when doing the Library PQ's the spell will not become available at all. Even when I've gotten 100 threat level it just stay grayed out.
    I'm guessing for some reason no matter what its not registering that combat is engaged. Never had a problem with the old spell.
    Has anyone else had this non effect occur in a PQ, raid or anywhere?
  2. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    It isn't killing pets now but the damage it does appears to have been drastically reduced. Other than that, I have not had any problems with it greying out. I just see it as another nerf of our class. Been many over the years.
  3. Rarkevan Active Member

    You need to be attacking the mob in PQ's for it to not be greyed out. Hit your auto attack button first, and there it'll be.
    NOT that it'll do much anymore, mind you, it's very sad how little it does, but at least you can cast it if your auto attack is engaged.