Duoing Advanced Instances - Reward both players

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Mycenia, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    They can reward 2 to those two persons, i don´t care, but i´m aware of peeps that may complain, that someone with decent gear and two accounts could easy farm those "solo" zones to gain 2 drops with one run.

    That groupzones do drop more, cmon, no wonder, encounters are somewhat harder and only there is more drop, doesn´t mean you get any drop for granted ;)
    Which do make a great diffrent tho, or i´m that wrong? :confused:
    -edit- The stats on the fab item, that may drop are above normal for the time it takes to bring it down :rolleyes:
  2. Detor Active Member

    I guess his proper complaint should be then - 'Why does CoE not have any solo zones?' (since you pointed out advanced solo isn't actually meant to be taken as meant for 1 person -- eg solo)
  3. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    It has two (mostly) solo zones - EJ and OP - it just doesn't have any solo instances.
  4. Alarra Well-Known Member

    way to necro thread
  5. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    At the point I jumped in it was only 22 minutes after the previous post, so I'm not the one guilty of thread necromancy (despite being a necromancer in this thread).
    Estred likes this.
  6. Grumble69 Member

    It may be an old thread, but the point is still valid.
  7. Feldon Well-Known Member

    The reason this thread was started is is no longer relevant due to changes in how loot is provided in Advanced Solo zones.
    Alarra and Filly67 like this.