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Drinal raid feedback

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Happened to us too.
    This is starting to go beyond the pale.
    So SOE was gracious enough to provide loot to those who were shorted a chest, that is nice.

    Now is SOE going to give free resets to the zone so those that were robbed of a chest because of this?
  2. slippery Well-Known Member

    The 2 month comedy that has been Drinal continues.
  3. Jezes Active Member

    Again? Really? How in the world is this encounter broken again.

    Terein and Chronus like this.
  4. Enderbsd New Member

  5. hellzelves Member

    Everything Gorion and Prima said, I won't bother repeating it. The fact that people say we need to get lucky when discussing a strat makes me sad :(
    Kalderon likes this.
  6. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Well lets try to see it like " The extra point of adventrue! " where you can do nothing about when it happens :D
    At least, it does sound more optimistic (even tho, i do not like it too ;) )
  7. Jacksonx New Member

    Did anyone have him de-spawn in a fresh instance? In our case it was an older instance we were standing outside the portal getting buffed and waiting on a few late comers when someone accidentally went thru the portal early got one shoted and before the rest of the raid could go thru he had de-spawned. We thought about just resetting and clearing to him fresh, but given our luck with no loot from the chests we decided our time was best spent elsewhere.
  8. Primaeval Active Member

    It was an older instance for us that was started on Sunday or Monday and couldn't yet be reset. Whatever they did to him yesterday completely broke his script and upon resetting him in an effort to get the script working, he despawned for us as well. Not sure if it's happening in instances started after whatever unlisted changes were implemented.
  9. Gninja Developer

    Anyone by chance able to send me their logs for the fight for when the zone either crashed or he did not respawn?
  10. slippery Well-Known Member

    I don't have logs but basically the bottom half he doesn't use any soulwell abilities. When he is absorbing Soulwells he is no longer an NPC (you can attack him but he stoneskins). The top he works as normal, until you wipe. Then he doesn't reset. Elevator goes down, but that's it. No port back out, no Drinal reset, nothing. Just gone.

    It was an old instance, so if your change was something that was impacted by the way the zone saves data and it didn't convert maybe that was it.
  11. Gninja Developer

    I was able to figure out the bottom half of the fight issue. He was intentionally supposed to stoneskin instead of becoming fully unattackable. This was one of the causes for the loot issue. The part I am trying to track down now is the reset issue with the zone crash.
  12. slippery Well-Known Member

    They are different issues entirely. The zone doesn't have to crash for him not to reset. The only thing that has to happen is you wipe.
  13. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Our zone was fresh. We wiped on the bottom and he did not respawn.
  14. slippery Well-Known Member

    I can zone you in to a zone where he didn't reset if you'd like
  15. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Last night, we did a new zone to try drinal 2 sw, get up in no time (was quit a good raid tho) and then..... *poooooof* drinal wasn´t even been there to get layed.....
    just a feedback ^^
  16. Glassjaw Active Member

    It was mentioned in the MOTD yesterday that Teku was back from vacation and Drinal had pretty much taken his place and would return later.
    Kalderon likes this.
  17. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    Ah, well i see, that was the part a guildmate stated, which i take as part of a bad joke ^^ THX
  18. wind Member

    Update Notes: Friday, January 25, 2013:
    Targets marked with Transfiguration by Drinal still are affected by Exhaustive Souldrain. Why?
  19. Nebbeny Member

    Given the trouble this mob causes whenever someone touches his code, i'm happy with the state he's in, the power drain isn't severe enough to wipe the group out and it can't happen multiple times in a row because transfiguration will always hit a tank that he isn't already targeting.
  20. Estred Well-Known Member


    Seemed fitting. Anyway, personally I feel Drinal is fine the way he is. He soon will be falling out of progression though if ToV starts replacing the CoE sets.
    Feldon likes this.