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Drinal raid feedback

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Estred Well-Known Member

    I Presume you are talking 4 Well because we killed 2 Well (Trasnfiguration and Temporal) and it was quite simple and straight forward.He also wasn't counting Power over Death whenever anyone died so he no longer stacked up 4 PoD's and 2 Death-Empowerements at the same time.

    Exhaustion and Patronage seem to be the "HM" Soul Wells. I like how hard they are but I agree that is a bit asinine that a tank can be marked both for Souldrain and Transfiguration at the same time. I was oddly suprised though that he stopped his Transfiguration and Temporal scripts at the top. Those were minor scripts and kinda fun.

    Were I to make a suggestion. At the top I can only assume the Gehin adds are from Patronage so I can't speak of that but the Temporal Frontal AE and Tank-Swaps don't really interfere with the raid, just the tanks. I almost would argue that those two scripts if active should remain active during the top-half of the fight.

    Next reset Kharma is tackling 3 Well (we decided to just go up through the progression normally). Depending on which well we do I can either add some backing to Slippery's points or my own counterpoints. Happy Raiding folks.
  2. Arieste Well-Known Member

    If he stopped doing a script at the top, I'm pretty sure it's a bug. I believe these are the same two single-soulwells that we've killed thus far, but on both of them there was a bottom script and a top script that he DID do based on the soulwell. It obviously wasn't the same script as he does at the bottom, but it corresponded to the specific soulwell that was killed.
  3. slippery Well-Known Member

    Correct. Each Soulwell has a different script for the bottom and the top
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    Well we hardly noticed anything beyond spawning Bubbles and Marked players... unless that was Transfiguration. We didn't notice anything that could be tied to the Temporal well though. I believe tonight or Wednesday we are pulling 3 Well and perhaps I can verify if the well was breaking at the top or not.
  5. Everdog Member

    Do we still have to give up loot when the chest is empty ?
    Killed 1 soul Drinal, an empty chest dropped and Petitioned it.
    The answer was like"I heard the issue was solved but surely the chest you got was empty. I will report it.Thanks"
    Hmm....are we going to have our loot back in near future?
    Or is he saying "just give up your loot this time plz"?
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    We pulled Patronage and Exhaustion today. Exhaustion seems to be working well but Patronage gave us the little Beta-Gremlin for "spell icon not available" with no Description to what the spell did and it currently is difficult to determine if players are jousting far enough with any concrete feedback beyond "get as far away from the other as possible"

    Also if you use the Signature Quest cloak buff... the game seems to kick you after you wipe on 3 Well Drinal. That is roughly the only thing I could figure is causing it with any frequency. Exhaustion for the 1st half seems to be working though we never lived past 30 seconds because we are still working out a quick way to tell people to move aside from shouting in Ventrilo.
  7. Le Clown Active Member

    On behalf of everyone in Illuminatus:

    Thank you everyone in this thread (especially slippery) and dev's who actually righted the wrong on this one. Chest was received and loot was reaped 10 hours ago via a visit from the GM faerie. Now we can get loot/scout shields :)

  8. Gorion Member

    I think this fight, on four soulwells, would actually be more or less acceptable with a few more fixes.
    • He should never put exhaustive souldrain on the tanks. They have enough to worry about without it, and if it goes on them, which it always seems to, the raid gets hit with devastating souldrain instantly, before they can react.
    • He should never memwipe while a tank is supposed to pick it up. They just burned their snaps picking it up once, they shouldn't have to a second time.
    • He needs to stop everything and remove all of his currently running effects when he gets to 50% and ports the raid. He ports and all of the people with exhaustive souldrain are ported too close, so the raid takes extra damage from it while away from their healers. It would also be helpful to port everyone to a single location on the elevator instead of spreading everyone out around him.
    • The no loot/crash issue makes it entirely unfun. Gotta love working on this fight for days knowing that half of the pulls will end in a crash and we're almost guaranteed no loot if we do manage to kill it.
    That would make the fight much, much less luck based. I still wouldn't use the word fun, but it would be much less painful.

    Other things that should probably be looked at on it as well:
    • I'm convinced that the damage from exhaustive souldrain isn't intended to hit the entire raid. Since it always picks one person from each group, you'd think it would only hit each group with the damage caused by their groupmember, as opposed to hitting everyone 4 times. This isn't a huge deal if you manage the ranges and tanks don't get picked, but I don't agree with the whole raid being punished because one person in one group messed up.
    • He currently doesn't get his normal crit avoid buff on 4 soulwells. I hesitated to post that since it doesn't make much difference to anyone actually pulling it, except that the power of death curse fail adds an additional 150 crit avoid as well as 20% damage reduction. That always seemed incredibly redundant to me since the extra 150 crit avoid on top of the regular 420, means we definitely will not be critting at all. One buff lowers dps to almost nothing, so we're supposed to have to wait the 2 or so minutes for it to wear off, while dealing with all the other luck based scripts that caused the death in the first place. It would make much more sense to drop the crit avoid completely and increase the damage reduction to 30 or 35%, so it takes 2 or 3 buffs for dps to slow to a halt, instead of 1.
  9. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    We actually had a round of souldrain start while we were on the way up the elevator the other night. Having souldrain for the first 20ish seconds of the top was great.

    I can agree with 2/3 on your list, but instead of tanks not getting souldrain I think it should just be impossible for a tank with souldrain to get the curse thing requiring you to get the mob. (And it shouldn't be possible for more than 2 tanks to have souldrain at once)
  10. Erage New Member

    The interrupts from exhaustive souldrain needs to go. If focus actually worked and was properly itemized, maybe those with long casting spells wouldn't be so prone to constant interrupts from something that constantly keeps hitting twice every 1.5s (well technically 4 times since it's both a power and health hit). Aside from being AE avoid, it becomes a real challenge getting any 2s+ cast off while you are constantly getting interrupted from this. The same can be said for Concussive Mindmeld too but at least wards can help with that since it isn't a power drain.
  11. Primaeval Active Member

    The tank effects and crashing are easily the most annoying aspects of the fight. As stated above:
    1. Any tank with Exhaustive Soulburn should not subsequently get flagged to pick-up the named for the red message. You are essentially forced to fail by running in and hitting the raid with massive power drains even though the intention of the Exhaustive Soulburn is to reach the appropriate range as quickly as possible.
    2. The tank pick-up needs to be immediate fail effect prevention. If they get aggro, then Drinal immediately memwipes, it should not be a failure. There's nothing related to skill that can avert that from happening on occasion.
    3. I have no idea what causes it, but wasting several minutes every few pulls due to a complete zone crash isn't anyone's idea of fun. It does, however, remind me a bit of Master Yael when there was a 50/50 shot of the tanks blackscreening on pull or the person standing next to the ported named still triggering the raidwide fail. Made you want to punch a baby every time it happened. Many babies were damaged that expansion.
    The fight is hard and it definitely should be. However, wasting pulls from the overlap of conflicting effects is articificial difficulty generated by poor encounter design. No one wants that.
  12. Twyxx Well-Known Member

    Don't think we've seen a zone crash on it. Might be something with Unrest.
  13. Chronus Active Member

    And Splitpaw, also Splitpaw.
  14. Malleria Well-Known Member

    And Oasis, and Guk. Doesn't look like a server specific issue ;)
  15. Lempo Well-Known Member

    I guess it is possible to be related to a server but it has happened on Everfrost as well.
    Only on one pull afaik, 3SW, did another 3SW pull immediately after and it didn't crash.
  16. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    And Butcherblock. It did seem to have a higher chance of happening if people swapped cloaks for the buff and swapped them back out before the fight.
  17. Jacksonx New Member

    We've had the zone crash on Oligar and Bastion CM, but it has never crashed on Drinal 1,2 or pulls on 3rd soulwell. As far as the clicky on the cloak we are always reminding our raiders to do that before pulls to give us an extra dps boost so I wouldn't imagine it's related to that as well.
  18. Estred Well-Known Member

    So you noticed it happening more if people had the Devoted Follower (name?) buff on them? Perhaps you can't use Drinal's blessings against him ;).
  19. Glassjaw Active Member

    I am guessing there was a ninja attempt at a fix to Drinal with today's update which appears to have broken the script entirely. No AoEs, no nox, no elemental etc. Evac to reset encounter to find that the mob is gone so we zone out and wait 10 mins, zone back in and within a couple mins the zone just crashes and we think that just maybe the mob will be back up... nope.
  20. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Going to be a while before people trust this encounter to run it regularly again. Not much of a choice though when Teku doesn't drop loot.