Draconic History and Lore *Spoiler Info*

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Amana, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    According to EQlive lore though, Kerafyrm never even registered on any god's radar.
  2. ARCHIVED-IrishWonder Guest

    So... Venekor still isn't dead? All these death animations are confusing me! Kinda makes me wonder what we'll see from the Awakened in the future, given that they're just hindered by the work of adventurers in the Overrealm... not destroyed.
  3. ARCHIVED-Billfnclark Guest

    From what I can gather in this, Venekor was allowed into the Awakened after they had been established and Kerafyrm had left. So, I don't think Kerafyrm is aware of Venekor's clepto-ness....whether or not he knows of his existence I can't say for sure as I'm unaware of when Venekor came into being. As for Kerafyrm....wasn't there a quest recently involving prophets and gods returning? I never did it as my account wasn't active at the time, but from what I've seen in forum posts aren't we still waiting on a last prophet of some sort? Perhaps this has to do with Kerafyrm's return? I'd love to see him come back, but not be killable... ...At the end of the prismatic quest line, are there any prismatic eggs left in tact? I know the one (or was it more?) Darathar had broke and was used to make the reward, but did Nagafen have any more? It would be cool if Kerafyrm caught word of this and decided that he didn't want any other prismatic dragons running around....I've love to see Nagafen VS. Kerafyrm....perhaps an instance where you watch the battle and somehow find a way to weaken Kerafyrm and help Nagafen secure the egg(s) and get away...probably doesn't fit in with lore but I can dream... I'm getting in way over my head on this.
  4. ARCHIVED-IrishWonder Guest

    [p]Oh yeah, Nagafen's got a whole clutch of prismatic eggs. At the end of the Prismatic quest line, he tells you that he doesn't really care that the one Darathar had was destroyed because he's got plenty more where that came from. He just didn't want someone other than him to be running around with his prismatic eggs. I've kinda speculated in the past that this is the reason Nagafen is so eager to help us take down the Cult of the Awakened... he sees Kerafyrm as a major threat to his prismatic army waiting to hatch.[/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    [p] The gods return to me is really signified by the chance of Soul Fire and the Qeynos Claymore coming into contact with one another. *Aka a war with freeport and Qeynos with Lucan wielding Soul Fire and Antonia Bayle wielding the claymore.*[/p][p]However the most purplexing thing is why the dragons had it and how they knew the original name of the Claymore. Wonder if the Qeynos Claymore has more power than Kerafyrm or if they are on an equal playing field? Would be interesting to see Soul Fire go to KoS opening a new area then back down to EoF. [/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-BleemTeam Guest

    [p]You might.[/p][p] Because when you killed any Ring of Scale dragon in EQLive you took Mistmoore hits. They are on opposing factions. I am not sure if Claws of Veeshan dragons (if any survived) had any faction tie-ins with Mistmoore however. The League of Antonican Bards did though as well.[/p][p]Maybe you've really been working for Mayong Mistmoore your entire life. Maybe he has pull with Kerafyrm to end the Ring of Scale, bla bla and get revenge on Qeynosians?[/p][p]We've seen stranger things happen.[/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    The only thing I could see is Mayong targeting Woushi just like the Shadowedmen. Woushi is one of the dragons that still eludes me. He/She/It seems loyal to Tunare, but dragons are notoriously devious. Wonder if Tunare gave a fake item or gave Woushi false information wanting adventurers to seek it's power. Perhaps it could be used to fix New Tunaria restoring it to its former glory.
  8. ARCHIVED-arieste Guest

    Where are you getting this? From the "Into the Shadowed Grove" quest in EoF, it seemed pretty clear to me that the Shadow Men are targetting Nagafen (leading to my prediction that our "return" of Nagafen's favours would be to eventually free him from whatever mind control device they've devised for him - which would also allow SOE to insert a confrontation with Nagafen without undermining his great power). The part in brackets is pure speculation though.
  9. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    [p] There is a quest you get from a fae near the shadowed grove. It tells you to go inside the Obelisk of Blight and search for evidence of the Shadowedmen's plans. What you find is 5 different parchments that talk about their little devious plan. [/p][p]The most noted of which is designating Woushi as Target Prime by the leader of the Shadowedmen "The Director." It is rather interesting that as far as all other dragons go the quote "risk is not worth the reward". However Woushi is an exception to this decree and the reason maybe him guarding one of Tunare's artifacts of power. [/p][p]Wonder what will be saying on down the road as far as dragons go. Deffinately be a little creeped out if some how Darathar pulls a venekor reappearing act. :hunf:[/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Kyrsten Guest

    Maybe I missed something, but I got the impression Nagafen was Target Prime when I read it too...
  11. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    [p]Nope Woushi is designated Target Prime and Nagafen is a test subject. At the moment from the way I read it the director sent agents into the draconic ranks and obtained an item. This item allows for the soul transference of one dragon entity into something else. [/p][p]I believe they may have or try to take over the arbiter so that they can get the device to Nagafen. When they do they will see how it works then it will "Mysteriously" dissappear from Nagafen's hold. They will then use it to implant a shadowed being into Woushi and then claim Tunare's power flower as their own. This will greatly enhance their power reserves and as to what they need it for I have no idea. [/p][p]They could be gathering knowledge, species, and information like an alien plague then destroy everything in this universe. [/p]
  12. ARCHIVED-arieste Guest

    [p]I don't really see what sense it makes to take over a more powerful dragon as a test for taking over a weaker one. I mean, if you can control nagafen, you can just get him to take anything you need from wuoshi.[/p][p]I know it's kinda obscure, but do you have some specifics as to what points at Wuoshi as target prime? My memory is wonky, but I remember reading it as Selek being a test or carrier before "target prime" and since Selek serves Nagafen, it would point at Nagefen being that target. [/p]
  13. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Just because Nagafen is level 100 in the game doesn't necissarily mean he's more powerful than Wuoshi. Dragons are forbidden from fighting each other, so it's not known what thier strengths and weaknesses against each other would be. From a Lore point of view, we dont know if any dragons are actually more powerful than any others... with the exception of the lesser dragons found all around KoS.
  14. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    [p] They're not taking over Nagafen arieste. It is pressumed they are taking over the Arbiter which is Lord Nagafen's servant from the Overrealm. They have a device that is capable of swapping draconic souls which are more powerful than regular humanoid souls. The Shadowedmen do not know how to use this device so they will let Nagafen have it for a short time. [/p][p]It is in this period of time they hope to learn how to use it since Lord Nagafen wants to ressurect Lady Vox. [/p][p]Once they learn how to use it "Target Prime" aka "Woushi" will have his soul swapped out for a shadowed beings soul. This in turn will grant them access to Tunare's flower which contains a portion of her powers. In turn the Shadowedmen will use this energy to power their obelisks. [/p][p]That's the basic gist of it. [/p]
  15. ARCHIVED-Daarom Guest

    Do you have any evidence for this in any written ingame lore from a source that we can trust? Or ist his just a guess? The only thing that points to Woushi is that Obelisk of Blight that is quite near Emerald Halls. Correct me if I am wrong but What you are saying is that the Shadowed men stole the "Dragon Soul Transfer Machine (DSTM)" from Nagafen and gave it back to him to spy him out in the form of good ole Selek. I guess the Shadowed Men should start to investigate Emerald Halls cause I can not see any evidence of Shadowed Men there. I don't think that they are after Tunares Flower well Sahdowed Men have an odd effect on nature, you know they wont make good vegetarian cooks Its all a big conspiracy and Bertoxxolous is their leader :p
  16. ARCHIVED-IrishWonder Guest

    [p]If you read all of the clicky notes in the Obelisk of Blight, and do a few quests that involve that zone, you'll find out the gist of things. Amana is correct about the Shadowmen's motives.[/p][p]Their "Target Prime" is Wuoshi. He is sought after because of his ties to Tunare's power. If the Shadowmen could take control of him, they'd have a whole wealth of planar power at their disposal. In order to take over Wuoshi, they plan to use a device that they found which would be strong enough to allow them to invade the body of a Dragon. I think it states that they found it deep within the bowels of Norrath, but not sure if I'm remembering correctly there. They're not sure of the effect it would have on a Dragon, so they plan to "test" it by giving it to Nagafen so he can attempt to revive Lady Vox with it. Of course, they can't just walk up to Naggy and hand it to him, so they plan to invade a Droag (Arbiter Selek) to get it into Naggy's hands.[/p][p]If it works, they'll know they have the means to take over Wuoshi.[/p][p]And as stated before, the level of a creature in-game has nothing to do with the actual power of the creature. I think a Dev once used the example of Darathar vs. The Direvine Matron. If the two were matched up in-game with their respective levels, the Matron would wipe the floor with Darathar... but the dev stated that Darathar would actually be MUCH more powerful than some random corrupted dryad in terms of lore and actuality.[/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Nadjira@Valor wrote:
    [p]Ugg, i'll search for it but there is in game lore in the temple. You have to find 5 scrolls for detailed information reguarding the Shadowedmen's plans. Here's a link to my post "Temples of the Shadowedmen" that has the scroll information. [/p][p]" The dragon (designated Target Prime) represents our greatest challenge, but the Director has determined this operation to be of the highest priority. The combination of draconic and planar energies available in this being represents a significant source of fuel that cannot be ignored.[/p][p] [/p][p]The Director believes that occupying Target Prime's physical form will allow us access to energy sources that have heretofore been unavailable to us. In the past we have deemed that dragons represented an unattractive ratio of risk to reward, but Target Prime has been designated an exception.[/p][p] [/p][p]As a result, the Director has used high-level operatives to acquire a device believed capable of stripping away a dragon's consciousness and implanting one of our own. Because this device was not of our construction, it has taken some time to integrate our technologies and techniques. "[/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-Pentolux Guest

    The more or less whole text found in the Obelisk and a rather extensive discussion about these text parts can be found here: http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=187550 There is also a discussion about Nagafen's part as an experimental subject to try out the device. However, if I remember right it was never clearly or conclusively stated where that device came from or whether it was ever used. The only fact seems it can port a dragon's soul into another body. Theoretically, if it was used before and the transfer turned out to have been successful, maybe some dragons we don't know about yet stroll around the block in another form, or *as the ultimate conspiracy theory* some Ungod is actually a powerful prismatic dragon by now. But then again this is only throwing around some uneducated thoughts on my behalf.
  19. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    [p] I doubt Nagafen would be the likely candidate because the way they talk about the device it seems they don't know how to use it properly. It would be interesting though it Nagafen hatched 2 prismatic dragons and transfered his soul and Vox's soul into those 2 dragons. They could be just as powerful as Kerafyrm and with 2 of them over power him. [/p][p]However Kerafyrm has been alive along time and it's deffinately hard to tell exactly how powerful a prismatic dragon becomes over time. His power could increases at an exponential rate since his birth to where he is demi god like. [/p][p]So far we have gotten alot of great info and we found exactly what goes on. My only problem is i'm unclear if a pure Earth and Pure Fire dragon can produce a prismatic. Fire and Ice yes and Air and Earth yes but as far as Fire and Air, Earth and Water, Fire and Earth, Ice and Air *shrug*. [/p][p]I'm really glad alot of people have chipped in since this will help with my write up for Draconic lore. Have to say i'm wondering what other mysterious are out there. Be interesting to start working for another dragon besides Lord Nagafen and betray him for another. [/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-IrishWonder Guest

    Only opposing elements have the ability to create a prismatic dragon. Fire and Ice, or Earth and Air. Any other combination can not create a prismatic dragon. Also, a mixed breed doesn't have the ability to create a prismatic.