Double Up and Ability Doublecast

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Redlight, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. Redlight Well-Known Member

    Now that ability doublecast became a relevant stat, I was wondering if it is intentional that the brigand is the only scout class not getting the same benefit from this stat as all other scout classes. Here is why: I did some testing using double up and high ability doublecast chance, I came to the conclusion that double up is not actually recasting the CA but instead doublecasting it, which means that if you get lucky with ability doublecasting, the maximum amount of hits for a single strike CA becomes 3. This does not match what the description of Double Up states: Instantly recasts any offensive Combat Art the brigand uses.
    Recast should mean that ability doublecast should be applicable to both instances of the CA (the original and the double up copy), just like all other stats do to the "recast".

    Now if you might wonder why I would consider this a problem to class balance, here is why :)
    Take for example, the ranger (or swash/assas etc whatever) class, the abilities that the ranger has, has higher base damage, to compensate the damage (and debuffs) a brigand would do who uses double up. Currently, this higher baseline of the ranger allows ability doublecast to increase the outgoing damage of a CA by 1% for every 1% ability doublecast the ranger has (if you take a very accurate average of an insane amount of CA casts). Now take a brigand who is using his main profession damage chain (Double Up), the damage is already doubled, now it is given a third instance of the original damage, which means that the damage is times 1.5 if the entire double up chain ability doublecasts compared to not. For a ranger this would be the chain damage times 2. This is where I think brigand baseline damage lacks.

    Could this be looked in to please?
  2. Prox Well-Known Member

    This is an old thread , but a very good point . To bad no one seems to have looked into it. I completely love my Brig and play him 90% of the time still. DPS wise , he could use some serious group and raid love.
    Breanna likes this.
  3. Perciful Active Member

    There is definitely something going on with Brigands that need attention. I am raiding with my Brigand and I am experiencing a constant “Plateau” of progression no matter how much upgraded gear I put on. I have seen other Brigands in my guild betray to Swashbuckler and they have easily surpassed my DPS with smaller jumps in gear improvement. I have been playing my Brigand since game launch and I am devoted to my character... kind of depressing to think that I would have to betray in order to stay relevant.
    Prox likes this.
  4. Prox Well-Known Member

    I just started raiding again on my Brig part-time. I am going to do some respecking. Health seems low, as does my overall dps I feel like I am overlooking something in my AA speck.
  5. Redlight Well-Known Member

    Double Up should do exactly what it states it does, not merely an additional ability doublecast.