Does our track range ever increase?

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-ddmacky, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-ddmacky Guest

    Does anyone know if the range of track increases as our skill or level goes up? Or do we get a bonus over the Predator version of the skill when we become a Ranger? I sure hope Rangers can track better then Assassins and hopefully way better then the Rogue/Bard classes.
  2. ARCHIVED-Marley8703 Guest

    In one of the update note's they said they switched tracking to get better as you level up rather then how much you use it, like it was before then.

    With that said then i dont think there will be any upgraded tome's or anything since it gets better as you level.
  3. ARCHIVED-Scribbler Guest

    Well after 27 levels, I haven't seen any dramatic increase in range. In fact I'm often shocked how short ranged my tracking actually is.
  4. ARCHIVED-Dieguy Guest

    There is a trait for increased tracking you can choose at level 18. Atleast if your a woodelf.
  5. ARCHIVED-ddmacky Guest


    I see that the skill is improving as i level now. My question was: does the range increase? In other words, what does the skill number mean? Is it the higher the number the farther we can track or something like that? If it is increasing, it does not seem to be increasing by much.
  6. ARCHIVED-blitz Guest

    It seems to be a little higher range for me in the mid 20's than it was in the mid teens.
  7. ARCHIVED-ElendenAV Guest

    I believe it was level 18 or so that there was an option to increase your tracking abilities. I was torn between several options, but went with increasing my tracking. I honestly have no idea if it helped.
  8. ARCHIVED-blitz Guest

    You have to keep in mind that the level 18 selection is a "Racial trait modifier"

    If you read the Tracking option, it said "Increase your tracking ability to that of a Scout"
    The impression I get is that all Wood elves get tracking, but that at level 18 all wood elves have the option of making their tracking as good as, say a level 10 scout. Or perhaps a level 18 scout.

    I could be misinterpreting that little Blurb, but thats the impression that I got.