Discriminatory Game Mechanics

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    Flurry and AOE auto attack are both currently descriminatory against rangers as neither of these abilities works with ranged autoattack. With the increase in the availability of both of these effects in SF Rangers will continue to fall further and further behind the other scout classes in DPS. Make Ranged Flurry and Ranged AOE auto attack a reality before the ranger class is further harmed.
  2. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    What exact distance are you suggesting you can range aoe autoattack? 180 degree conal arc out to max arrow range?
    When I envision the number of mobs possible to be in range of an aoe autoattack, I can't fathom that attack being balanced for rangers if they had it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Geothe Guest

    Isee no reason why flurry shouldn't apply to rangers.
    AE autoattack doesn't quite make sense though honestly.
  4. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    honestly I would be fine if ranged AE auto was just 5m radius around the mob you currently have targeted, as long as it is something, or failing a true aoe auto attack, maybe a proc that does some decent amount of damage on mobs around your target, could limit number of targets and damage that way, but at least it would be something. Rangers don't offer anything besided DPS and to with hold these abilities from rangers is detremintal to the class.
  5. ARCHIVED-jjlo69 Guest

    not only will it put us behind but when rangers in beta pushed the subject we got brushed off as it was a coding issue yet gear has modifiers for this machanic

  6. ARCHIVED-Sydares Guest

    With the introduction of AE attack and Flurry on to more and more pieces of gear and buffs in Sentinel's Fate, it's becoming the worst time ever to be a Ranger.
    People, I'm sure, will be tempted to say that we can already do both of these things if we decide to pull out our sword and just get up in the monster's grill - the fact of the matter is, we have to be up in the mob's grill already in order to use all of our melee CAs or our parses fall to the utterly abysmal due to the high recast timers on our ranged combat arts. In addition, when using swords, two of our major damage contributors (Makeshift Arrows and our offensive stance buff) do not function. Using melee is out of the question.
    So, that boils down to the fact that using it on our swords is out of the question, so let's move past that argument before it starts.
  7. ARCHIVED-Sydares Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    In order to prevent rangers from pulling the entire room with every auto-attack, it would be fine to just limit us to the same distance that your average scout can attain.
    As for Flurry, there's literally no reason why it can't function for ranged attacks. The mere fact that double-attack and procs all function correctly from ranged means that Flurry can be toggled on for Ranged attacks... they're just choosing not to. What ends up happening because of this is that:
    • We lose out on Battlecry and other buffs because we can't use certain components of it,
    • We lose all chances at gear with it as an effect lest we be seen as loot ****** for wanting an item with an effect we can't use
    • We can't benefit from any of the new adornments with the ability, and we can't benefit from any of the items with the ability innately attached.
    This is every bit as true for Ranged AE Attack, and with rangers already historically undesired in raids due to their complete and utter lack of utility, this really feels like being kicked while you're already down.
  8. ARCHIVED-Azrael_888 Guest

    Sydares wrote:

    If I wanted to bust out a sword and get all melee on a mob they already have a class for that ..o wait in fact they already have 3 classes for that...Assasin, Brigand, Swashbuckler...

    hell are dirges/troubs gonna be getting flurry too? I swear to god if I get outparsed by a dirge I am done.
  9. ARCHIVED-jjlo69 Guest

    Azrael_888 wrote:
    dirges will be able to battle cry themselves next exp thus they can flurry now as well
  10. ARCHIVED-Sydares Guest

    Any class that uses melee autoattack (instead of ranged autoattack) is capable of flurrying.
  11. ARCHIVED-kartikeya Guest

    I've been pretty noisy on the beta boards, but I'll repeat myself in short here:
    It is desperately important, essential in fact, that these issues are looked at and addressed ASAP. If this goes live as it is currently, rangers will not even have a pity slot in raids. They won't be second choice, they will simply not be a choice at all. Any other class whatsoever will be able to fill that slot with more benefit toward the raid if rangers fall as far as they seem to have in the DPS ranks on beta, and that was before all this itemization stuff started being pushed to the servers. Please, please, please take a look at this.
  12. ARCHIVED-Azrael_888 Guest

    YAY moved to ranger forum...now the dev's will be all over this as they ALWAYS COME HERE to post replies on what we think about our class!


    /sarcasm off

    edited so that enlish language readers can understand it better.
  13. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    This either needs to be fixed to work for rangers or all of the aoe aa and flurry effects on items and spells need to be removed (those few that are already in the game can be grandfathered in I guess)
  14. ARCHIVED-FearDiadh Guest

    I didn't participate in beta but checked the changes out on test yesterday. For me, ranged auto attack was considerably lower than melee auto attack. As a ranger my melee auto did about 35% more damage than my bow. That was a mythical vs two lower end t8 fabled weapons. I posted it elsewhere but it has thus far been ignored. So, it appears to me that our ranged auto attack will do 30-50% less than melee auto attacks, our combat arts do considerably less than assassins, and we will lack flurries and aoe attacks that other scouts get. Even if we quit using ranged and begin using melee weapons, out offensive procs won't trigger on melee like those other classes.
    I've been playing since launch and I think I have a fairly solid idea of the class. To me, it looks like we will be a total joke at 90.
  15. ARCHIVED-Toball Tokor Guest

    Wait till you see the proc gear that does us no good!
  16. ARCHIVED-kcirrot Guest

    Discriminatory not Desciminatory

    Sorry to be a spelling fascist, but it was bothering me.
  17. ARCHIVED-glowsinthedark Guest

    didn't think it looked right
  18. ARCHIVED-kartikeya Guest

    Jack@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Many, many, many posts referencing and proving that ranged auto attack with our mythical now does equal or less DPS than melee auto attack with perfectly ordinary fabled/legendy weapons were done on beta. This was never addressed. :(
  19. ARCHIVED-FearDiadh Guest

    kartikeya wrote:
    That is messed up.
  20. ARCHIVED-Sydares Guest

    Jack@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Yes. Yes, it is. We racked up more than 4 times as many posts than any other scout, and nearly 9 times as many as assassins, and really all we got out of it was a change to makeshift arrows. Certainly an appreciated one, but nowhere near the overhaul we were hoping for.