Disappointed in Skyshrine

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Vaague, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    My OCD demands that I nitpick this- His name is Lord Yelinak. Three syllables.
    Ok, that is all. :p
  2. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    In EQ1, the Plane of Mischief was accessible from several different zones, not just the Temple of Veeshan. I believe the entrance was intended to move around on its own, but it didn't work right and they ended up just leaving it up in multiple places at once.
  3. ARCHIVED-ranga Guest

    Western Wastes is indeed gone, destroyed, kaput!!
    How do I know?
    Well, we paid for it over a year ago and it still has not arrived. It was either destroyed or mislaid by the developers and Sony ran off with the money and delivered Gigglegibber games instead.
    Enjoy your gg gold!
    But seriously, I enjoy threads like this, having never played EQ1, it's good to see a little of the lore pre-EQ2. Makes me wish that I paid more attention to the books that I get for doing quests. I should really spend some time re-reading them all lol.
  4. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    ranga wrote:
    People like to say this, but the reality is that Destiny of Velious was originally meant to be the first of two expansions that would cover the continent of Velious. The reason we are seeing new DoV content still being released is because they changed their minds and decided to give the content planned for the second expansion to us without having to pay extra for it, and then release an optional feature-pack expansion instead (Age of Discovery). So in a way, we never really paid for the DoV 2.0 content at all.
  5. ARCHIVED-ranga Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    Well, my post was a bit of a ribbing really but as you want to take it seriously, WW was supposed to be released as a GU in between the Velious and next paid expansion. They changed their mind during the year to the concept of 'content free functionality costs' model that meant we had to pay for AoD and SS was free (If you had already bought DoV). WW was slated for middle of that year but never arrived, SS did instead. I think my 'reality' might be more accurate than yours :)
  6. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    ranga wrote:
    I realized that your post was mostly tongue-in-cheek, but I have seen enough people seriously make such statements that I thought it best to clarify.
    However, I don't know why you think that Western Wastes was ever planned as part of a GU before AoD. I never recall SOE mentioning Western Wastes at all except to say that they are working on it as part of the continuation of Velious content. They also listed Skyshrine, Cobalt Scar, and Siren's Grotto in that same statement, found here. Your reality may be accurate, but I'd check your facts.
  7. ARCHIVED-ranga Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    Thank you for your clairification lol. Perhaps you should dig a little deeper, your quote was from Nov '11 this is from Jan '11 from the webcast transcript on the same site you quoted (thx Feldon). Please don't tell me what YOU think HE meant. I have my interpretation thanks, I don't need any help in comprehension. It really was a joke, you are making it serious by getting so 'matter of fact' about it. Plus it seems my 'reality' AND 'facts' are somewhat more accurate :)
    "Question: “Is Velious as big as the original Velious in EQ1?”
    Answer: “To try to do it all at once would have been a mammoth undertaking. We’ve decided to split it up into at least 2 parts. It’s going to depend upon what we discover as we do the next stuff over the coming year whether it stays as 2 parts. We’re not going to just cram everything from Velious EQ1 into Velious EQ2. We have some different ideas too.
    • Cobalt Scar and the Dragon Hatchlings are in Western Wastes which is not part of Velious part 1."
    Then sometime after this, the field and the goalposts changed with F2P, the change to 'free content/paid functionality model', AoD and of course, P71! These are the reasons we didn't get what they promised when marketing Velious.
  8. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    ranga wrote:
    Considering all that was said in the quote you have posted is, "Western Wastes isn't part of Velious part 1" I think they provided exactly what they promised: a lack of Western Wastes. I don't mean to come off as picking on you, that is not my intent. I merely wish to stand up for SOE on this matter, for I believe they actually deserve praise for how the release of Destiny of Velious was handled, not derision (even in jest). Other seem to take this belief more seriously, and I'd like to counter that. SOE makes enough real mistakes, they shouldn't take heat for simple misunderstandings.
  9. ARCHIVED-ranga Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    Oh Dear! I'm gonna butt out of this one and leave you to your fawnings lol. I added some weight to the OP suggestion and in doing so made a little joke. Sony led us to believe what we believe. We just have different perspectives and you have no more chance of changing mine than I have of changing yours. The job of the Fanboi over the last few years has become almost impossible so you have my sympathy
  10. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    The reality is that SOE so gutted the EQ2 dev team that they lacked the manpower and leadership to release the whole thing.
  11. ARCHIVED-Halo of G4 Guest

    Meaghan@Lucan DLere wrote:
    While it's true that the staff of EQ2 has been gutted over the years, your reasoning on why it's a two parter is wrong. When you come up with new content the first thing to do is make a concept document. EQ2's overall story has already been established since the start (forgot the former devs name as of right now who came up with the basis of eq2's story), and it makes perfect sense on why it's a two parter based on the lore. Having the entire continent with half of it dealing with helping the dwarves deal with Tserinna, assisting yelinak and the thurgadin against the invading Rime, destroying the giants mounting army, the arrival of drunder. and the eventual defeat of Rallos Zek. Problem is, SoE messed up on a number of problems upon release of this content from itemization, balancing, bugs, and broken/unbeatable content. And I think giving a hard mode version for each raid zone only put salt on the wound.
    Take a look at Witherlands, in terms of the how big it is, it's roughly the size of Kylong plains in terms of its x,y length. It also has rougly 5 more quests then Kylong Plains does.

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    Also I would like to point out that it's not uncommon for designers, managers, or producers to misinterpret what the story writers intended.
    Western Wastes has been destroyed by Kerafyrm, but that does not mean it won't be in the game eventually. Right now we're about to head into the Sleepers Tomb this September, probably to fight one of Kerafyrm's generals. We defeated his first general Vyskudra so led the invasion force against Skyshrine, so there are three remaining.