Dirge class quest: the right things to say?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-M0gwa33, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-M0gwa33 Guest

    Bah... what are the right things to say to the last guy you need to talk to? He attacked me and I died... and I don't want to test it out again... so I'll just play it dumb and ask here.

  2. ARCHIVED-LincolnLogs Guest

    Are you doing the freeport dirge quest? If you are then you are talking about the orc Dranok Whateverhisnameis, and you have to convince him that you are working for the dervish cutthroats and if he kills you then he wont get anymore business from them. Or something like that. I wasnt reading it too closely, guess I got lucky with my responses.

    All in all I have to say that the scout -> bard, bard -> dirge quests (in freeport) were really, really easy. I was expecting something a little more challenging after reading what some of the other scout professions had to do. Guess I shouldnt complain lest the nerf bat striketh.
  3. ARCHIVED-sinric Guest

    How did you get him to respawn?
  4. ARCHIVED-M0gwa33 Guest

    Yeah it's easy but a pain in the butt nonetheless: first time around, I thought I had to kill him and eventhough he showed up as red for me, I decided that I needed to toughen up and was hoping that he was really a master of deceit and that he wasn't going to be that tough... I died... Then I understood that I was supposed to tell him the right things... once I zoned, because of poor localization translation (it was half french/half english), I thought I was supposed to start my singing with "Air Vibrant" then play Zek's song... obvioulsy, I died again... I zone back, start singing Zek's song, and fizzle twice in a row... again, I died...

    After 3 deaths, I think that I earned my Dirge class!!!

    As for the respawning of the gyu, just log back into the game, that worked for me.
  5. ARCHIVED-Alastor Guest

    So, I'm a bloody pulp 3x over, and not seeing a solution to this..

    I've zoned to the encampment, gone to the tents behind Dranok, sung the song, nobody notices. I get close enough to get their attention and start to sing Zek's song, only to get interrupted by their massive attacks..

    Where am I supposed to sing that I won't be beaten mercilously?
  6. ARCHIVED-Alastor Guest

    Hah.... Guess it helps if I'm singing for the right crowd.

    Note to anyone else that's feeling a bit slow, sing to the mourning orcs, not the really angry ones.
  7. ARCHIVED-Shaydim Guest

    qeynos dirge quest is so easy I was disappointed.
  8. ARCHIVED-lochland42 Guest

    After hearing rumors that this part was difficult i couldn't find exactly what to say so i just went for it.

    i did the troubador quest in freeport but i believe they are the same.
    Here are the responses i gave to the orc leader

    he asks u some question about the dervish leader

    response: him and me

    Whats he say the leader is a woman ( or something like that)?

    response: Didn't you hear she was assasinated

    Then he says oh you all go through leaders like that. blah blah etc.
    and he leads you in there

    i cast brias ballad after getting there and when i found the orc ( behind building left of tent, i believe to your right when u get in there) these are the only orcs that arn't KOS and just keep spaming the song (the one that he give you)

    have fun :)

    -lochland lvl 20 troubador (unrest)