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DirectX Error 6413 in Windows 11

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Lainthu60, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. Jojotross New Member

    I'm a EQ2 noob (with a whopping 5 minutes of game time) but I would try the following:

    1. Try the Steam version of EQ2 to see if you have any better luck there.

    2. Learn how to use DXVK. Newer graphics chips/drivers don't play nice with DX9. DXVK allows you to use a Vulkan layer between DX9 and the OS, and I've actually fixed a lot of bugs in various games with this. (Games that were for example optimized for Nvidia but crash on AMD hardware can be fixed with DXVK.)

    Google "DXVK on Windows" and the first result should be a guide showing you what to do. You just have to unzip and copy the correct files (I assume 32 bit DX9) to the directory where the EQ2 exe resides.

    The top of the guide will say something about it not working well with online games, but it's really for newer titles with anti-cheat. This method is how people play EQ2 on Linux.

    Hope this helps.
  2. Tkia Well-Known Member

    Do NOT try the Steam version. It's exactly the same game version just with a Steam front end adding an additional layer that can go wrong.
  3. Jojotross New Member

    Touche, and I ruled that out after some thought. My suggestion to try DXVK still stands though, I've fixed multiple games with that method.