@devs SK Cures

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Rebelde, Feb 22, 2018.

  1. Rebelde Active Member

    Zealus Smite and Chaotic Blade, can dispell lvl 117 detrimental. Mobs in raid are 118. Can you fix them plz?
    Thank you :)
  2. Dannni Active Member

    118 minus glacial freeze = 117.... pretty sure its intentional
  3. Rebelde Active Member

    They can do the same with healers. Let enjoy raids.... /sarcasm off
  4. Redlight Well-Known Member

    I doubt its intenional but just and another oversight due to the PoP level increases, Rallying drive ( Draon tree AA) still only dispels 110 levels making it useless post KA.
  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    When the expac first came out, mage and priest single target cures didn't scale properly. It's almost certainly an oversight.
  6. Dannni Active Member

    Ok maybe you’re right but glacial freeze still a temporary solution