@DEV a request-Venekor in CT

Discussion in 'Lore and Legend Discussion' started by Pharliquin, Apr 26, 2022.

  1. Pharliquin Member

    Hello, would it be possible to reduce Ole Venekor's eyesight a bit or better yet make him one of those epics you need to engage? Several quest updates are on the 2 towers near him and in area. Tried being sneaky but he lights my tail on fire every time I attempt to scoot up the towers. Challenges are cool and all but..... so is finishing quests. Thanks
    Buggabug likes this.
  2. Arandar Well-Known Member

    If you need the heroic named who spawn on those towers, you can pet pull them from on top of the central temple without aggroing Venekor.
  3. Buggabug Active Member

    Unfortunately there are several quests that require you to get updates in or on top of the towers, it's not just a matter of needing the named.
  4. Pharliquin Member

    not to mention I did not have a pet. In some cases, I do not see why the Epic mob cannot be made aggro on pull only. No reason to make life unnecessarily difficult.