Dedicated players on the Crushbone server; knowledgeable in their subclasses and focused on progression. We have part-time backup raiders and are seeking those willing to commit full-time. We are supportive, enjoy grouping outside of raids, and most importantly like hanging out with each other.RecruitmentMysticInquisitorCoercerDirgeRaid Schedule5:30pm - 8:30pm Pacific (8:30pm - 11:30pm Eastern)SundayMondayWednesdayProgressionGuildProgress.comApplyDark Prophecy - Crushbone - Everquest 2 - Guild Hosting - Guild LaunchContactCrushbone.KitsukaCrushbone.DarkriftCrushbone.DrazalaCrushbone.GrojopipCrushbone.HikkuCrushbone.KoithimEverQuest II Full-Download Launch Pad (stop streaming)Click an icon to download its respective raid tool.
Yeah. is no longer in service anymore. Unless someone knows of another similar website, all we have now to track kills is the SOE furnished guild achievements. Which means that all kills are reset and guilds have to go back and re-kill things to get credit. For what it's worth, you can find that here: Dark Prophecy Guild Achievements