Crocodile Meat: Super Rare?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Zylara, Dec 3, 2022.

  1. Zylara Well-Known Member

    First day I got a few but since then on both my harvesting toons absolutely none, hitting every den I see (and everything else lol) but not one single croc meat
    Twyla likes this.
  2. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    It's just the RNG.

    I like to use ACT's Harvest Tracker Plug-In so I can see percentages. Until you have literally several hundred harvests, or better yet thousands, youi don't have enough of a statistical universe to make predictions about the loot table. Also note that dens have to serve meat, rare meat, hides, and rare hides, so it's not anything like the frequency with which yoiu get, say, rare roots.

    There's also a bunch of gear that helps harvesting. IMHO, getting Bountiful Harvest up high works better than Rare Harvest Chance. Have both if you can manage it.

    Lastly, if you have not already done so, get the house plant from Growf's questline. You can ask it for RoR harvests and it does cough up rares. And if you have the Gathering Goblin as a mercenary, free him to get the Gathering Goblin buff, which greatly speeds up how fast you harvest!
  3. Bramdar Active Member

    I haven't been tracking my harvests, so I can't be 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure I have yet to harvest a crocodile meat at all. The guild vault has 7 though, and I know that the vast majority definitely came from pack ponies and/or shrubs - I was surprised the first time I saw a crocodile meat in my inventory after a collection.
  4. Priority Well-Known Member

    Yes, they are stupidly rare.
  5. Priority Well-Known Member

    for additional info, 2308 draws on animal dens; i've collected 5 croc meats with 2870 Trapping, 117 Bountiful, and 89.5 rare chance.
  6. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    Yeah about the same for me.
  7. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    I have one crocodile meat. I have double digits for everything else. The fact that multiple people are noticing the same thing is telling. Seems extra rare to me and should be looked into.

    And the fact that it's needed for the new food and drink puts extra weight on it.
  8. Denmum Developer

    I am looking into it.
    Breanna, Twyla and Gharyn like this.
  9. Denmum Developer

    One of the several rare events for harvesting meats was askew and is in the queue to be fixed for the next hotfix.
    Breanna, Twyla, Cyliena and 4 others like this.
  10. Gharyn Well-Known Member

    See, Siggy? Don't be so quick to write everything off as the RNG :>
    Carizia and Cyliena like this.
  11. Miragian Well-Known Member

    The 47:6 rares out of the dens is a little more telling then the number of pulls for dens. Glad its being fixed :)

    The dismissing it as just RNG is likely driven by the fact that these kinds of posts go up all the time where people are complaining about how rare stuff is and 99% of the time its just RNG being RNG.

    This is the 1% where it wasn't. Last time this happened it was in the players' favor, the over common state of "rare" roots.
    Twyla likes this.