Crafted Clubs and Cudgels Unusable by Beastlords?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Shadix, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Shadix Guest

    Just bugged this in-game, but I got a craftsmen (woodworker) to 14 and noticed that my beastlord can't use a single crafted club or cudgel.
    This is in direct conflict with dropped and quest rewarded items that are, in fact, usable by beastlords.
    Does anyone know if this changes once I get my woodworker specific recipes? Have the devs said anything about this problem? I don't want to continue woodworking if it's an issue that won't be resolved soon.

  2. ARCHIVED-Shadix Guest

    I'm bumping this in the hopes the devs see it, even if there is no community input.
    Wanted to add that even the crafted maces, hammer, bo staffs, and batons that beastlords can use only have +int or +str which aren't used by beastlords.

    That's all!