Conjuror level 95 pet damage problem.

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Murchle, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. Murchle New Member

    Myself and other conjurors have noticed that our Fiery Magician VII pet does less damage than the Fiery Magician VI. This was tested by players who have both pets mastered, with just the pet attacking target dummies. My own results vs. heroic training dummy: Fiery Magician VI (master) 43k dps. Fiery Magician VII (expert) 32k.
  2. Magic Missiles Active Member

    Wow- this is a real fug-up if that is the case.
    Any other conjys can confirm this or if it has been fixed?
  3. Gaidar New Member

    Wat? No you need to compare master to master. Just did a check and got 90k on VII and 78k on VI (unbuffed, etc).
  4. Caela Well-Known Member

    I just did a test with my pets - both mastered - using no buffs on a heroic training dummy.

    I did each one twice. The training dummies apparently had different hit points as the total damage ranged from 13,077,017 to 13,118,267

    VI - 62,601
    VI - 61,976
    VII - 63,495
    VII - 61,588

    So, to me, they seem pretty much the same.

    I would be happy to give more info, experiment on different things, etc...
  5. Controlor Member

    Try on an epic dummy?
  6. Dareach New Member

    They have the same hit points but the damage amounts will always be different because it doesn't count your last hit as 1 if the mob has 1 hit point left. It counts it as whatever total damage was done via that ca or spell.