1. NyteRose Member


    I'm a possibly returning player to the game. I haven't played since this past December and am thinking about downloading/installing the game again. I have characters on Maj'Dul server but not sure if I want to continue there or start fresh on another server. I'm not willing to pay for server transfers, as that that would be too pricey with five characters. I enjoy enjoy hybrid classes (warden/mystic) and pure casters/healers or even a beastlord. I have up to AoM expac. I'm looking for a server with a decent pop and an active, friendly casual guild to level up in and socialize with.
  2. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    I suggest install the game and activate your old account (sign in) you will likely only get to access 2 of your 5 toons but play them or even strip one and put in shared bank slots to help finance a new toon, if you wish. Try the game, relax and have fun. If you feel you think the game is worth the $15 a month membership, you can pay that and have more access to the game, mail, chat channels and such. Only you can decide if the game is worth playing or not.

    I hope you stay and play with us.

    I'm on AB, the RP server in a small casual RP guild. I'm sure others can direct you to a busier server and a friendly guild.
  3. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    well, I can certainly offer to be a guide, answer questions, give insights, etc.
    as I am on most of the time, send me an in-game tell,...
  4. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    If you're already on Maj'dul, I wouldn't change unless you wanted the specific opportunities to be on a progression server. After AoM, things changed in a lot of ways for this game in more ways than I can comment on here--ascension classes and levels, change in game mechanics, etc. Join a friendly guild and ask questions--if they're any good they'll be very helpful in getting you up to speed learning what's changed and all. Happy gaming.
    Eliana likes this.
  5. Aran Anar Active Member

    very nice character name Nyte Rose

    If you are ever on Antonia Bayle server id be happy to group and help you

    Check guild recruit forums find a nice guild

    Antonia Bayle server is full of friendly people and really super good guilds :D
  6. NyteRose Member

    @Aran Thank you :) This has been my character name since EQ1 but can't use it in-game because there is already another toon (not mine) with the name. I ragequit years ago and deleted my toons and when I came back my old name was taken...wish I could reclaim it for my classic DE necro but oh well.