Class that contribute most to a group? FG TLE

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Philippe, Jul 8, 2017.

  1. Lagerale Member

    Illusionist and it's not close, as a healer these players (if played well obviously) make impossible possible.
  2. Philippe New Member

    Well last weekend i ended up roling an illusionist ( didint even know about to op pet dps ) mainly because i enjoyed enchanter in EQ1 .

    Turn out that we dont really use mez so far so i was a little disapointed but i kept going with the illy because damage was op and i can sometime save the day with stun/stifle . Also i could easily solo with the pet beeing so strong .

    Now that pet is gimped AF ( damage and tankiness are down the drain ) , i dont know . Im lvl 21 now i might try a tank . I like leading a group and having control over the pace of the group . Maybe i will stick to illy , probably gonna try a tank first .
  3. Synistra Active Member

    Welcome to EQ2.
  4. Philippe New Member

    Gonna stick with illy , already spent to much time on him and i still do very well , just finished aq6 , had to kill yelow and orange mob and it was very easy .
  5. Carynn Well-Known Member

    Illy is v. Helpful in groups over lvl 25. Group mez ftw.