Chimes of Blades has a % proc?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Full_Metal_Mage, May 15, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Full_Metal_Mage Guest

    What does the Chimes of Blades additional trigger chance granted by the shards armor chest piece actually do? The description for Chimes of Blades does not indicate a proc chance.
  2. ARCHIVED-TalanRM Guest

    The description of the chest piece is confusing. What is does is increase the proc chance on equipment (in a manner similar to the Luck of the Dirge AA) when Chime of Blades is running.
  3. ARCHIVED-duuf Guest

    The % equipment proc increase on my dirge is 33%. Testing it on my chest piece with a normal 2.3 x a min proc changes to 3x a minute.
