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Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Aterskia, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. Aterskia Active Member

    me'es be's noticin' CHEEKINS inna Anchorage ohvr las sum nummer uv dais,...
    now dey be's ESKAPES!!
    CHEEKINS inna Cobalt Scars!!

    where's dez CHEEKINS be's com fums?!
    did thuh Kerra kik dem outta der camp inna Sundered Frontier!?
  2. Aterskia Active Member

    inna kayse no wun beweave's me's:


  3. Celestia Well-Known Member

    All I got was chickens.
    Breanna likes this.
  4. Kaitheel Developer

    Back during Tinkerfest an inventor named Bertram Fiddledeegrak was working on his Portum Sheenery. He may have assumed the machine wasn't working... but maybe it just wasn't doing what he thought it was.

    ~ Kaitheel
    Cyliena, Aterskia, Twyla and 3 others like this.
  5. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    whatchu talkin' about?

    But seriously, did you know you can (still for a short time) get a chicken familiar from Familiar's wild?
    Twyla likes this.
  6. Aterskia Active Member

    jut fur klarifikashuns:
    dez no be's me'es Cheekins,.. dems aw ohvr Anchorage, an me's no kin target dems.
    waas sews hoepin fer nice Cheekin dinner,.. but NOOOO! No cheekin fur yu's!

    /e grabs growling stomach in effort to silence rumblings.

  7. Aterskia Active Member

    sews,... where deez CHEEKINs be's kom fum?!
    me's no sees dem b'for, den suddenly, CHEEKINs!!
    jus todaies wun NIPPED AT ME's TAIL!!!!:eek:
