Channeler epic

Discussion in 'Priests' started by DanzMacabre, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Ormy New Member

    Not sure if I read the lore here or on the other thread but I have a baby channeler and the sight thing got me thinking it was simmular to the quest you did to give the arasai and the fae full flight, you know they turn real small and can fly on there own. The quest ended up on top of the mountain Aarne Hillevi in Great Divide. (Remember, he is at 553.80, 191.14, 313.47 Copy , on top of the Goahmari Village griffon cave.) Just an Idea, good luck and make sure you find this sucker by the time I hit 95 ;)
  2. Sylke Well-Known Member

    Indoctrination likes this.
  3. Eileithia Active Member

    Thanks Sylke - Not a lot of info in there sadly, but a good reference none the less.

    Thankfully, it looks like the weather is going to be crap this weekend, which means I'll have a lot of time to hunt. :p
  4. Vunder Well-Known Member

    Ok, So not a popular class anyway. WW channels went from super busy to full of people that no longer care, to just being flat out dead. Maybe 1 or 2 people are lookign per server now. I know ive wasted hours and hours on it. Great job in implementing this quest. No lore, no nothing. I have literally used the loc system to plot grids and walk killing everything in 9 zones now. Nothing. Eh, have better things to do. Not RoK anymore, game is way way to big to be searching the same way we did back then, and much much less populated.
  5. Discoee Member

    And the posts slowed to a trickle. I could never afford the time some of you have spent, much appreciate it. If it's not found soon, it will be anticlimactic when someone does stumble upon it eventually, or when soe finally gives a hint to the players that are left. /shame spiral ON
  6. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Yeah, at first it was really exciting, but now it's starting to die down as every npc in the game has been interviewed, and any/all lore possibilities exhausted.

    Word fragments leading to a possible zone location is nice, but, who knows what they actually mean. Even as complete words the game is so huge now that it isn't necessarily any one location,
  7. liquid Member

    keep in mind, that you might need full faction from x y z, or maybe must have solved specific quests, own all essences (maybe there is one ultra rare essence?) or need to get flagged by killing this and that, before you are able to find a queststarter, quest npc, clicky, or smth trvial like a letter in your postbox.
  8. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    I'm sure you don't need any faction, or prequest to start the epic. But you may be need to speak some language.
  9. Indoctrination Active Member

    Both monk and guardian did, so that's not necessarily true. I'm inclined to think at this point it's either some random npc that says something different for channelers that starts a mini quest type thing or a uncommon body drop from something random.
  10. Dracks Member

    Saw this on a random NPC in the Fens - on Sathir's Span. Has anyone seen this effect before in this area?

    Looked kind of out of place to me, and I've done the questline (on other characters, not my channeler) before without recalling this showing up.

  11. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Looks very odd. I'll scope it out.
  12. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Next guess. Lol.
  13. Baddluck New Member

    Well it's not a kill on any of the lvl 95 overland zones. I have killed everything in Vesper Isles. I have spent 60+ hours searching for something clicky. I went back to the sirens cave in Butcherblock where the broken arrow was found. The pedestal glows and sparkles like its clicky but nothing happens. I have gotten the arrow from Daleen Blackwood in Fens, and I have also gotten the arrow from completing the quest for it, on my channeler. None of this helped. I also completed the bow of the underfoot hq, gained faction with stormshield, I know all of the known languages, and most of the quested languages. I completed all of the quests in Vesper Isles on my channeler by the Monday after launch. The only NPC's that have changed recently, are a drake in the tower where you found Field Marshal Vishera, in the tower on Thesk. Also there is an assassin in Obol planes who speaks of some ripping the souls from beings, but I think he is referring to Drinal. I figure it has to be a drop in a heroic zone, But good luck finding a group that will help you out by clearing all the trash over and over again until it finally drops.
    I personally think the devs got tired of people asking when the epic was coming out, because first the date was Nov 28; Then it switched to December, then they gave a solid date of December 17. I think it is in game, but it won't work. Or they have no real lore for this class, and decided they don't care, they can do anything they want, maybe some day someone will trip over it.
  14. Verraten Member

    That assassin is actually from SoELive, there was a prize you could bid on to put an NPC in the game. The Guild Revelry and Honor got him put in to honor a friend that passed away last July, so it's just his player character with text written by a family member of his.
  15. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    The drake in the tower that appears after Vishra's quest line is done is Bezub. He's put in there for the "mysterious stranger" to talk to for Lepethida's quest to find the Horde on Veiled Thessk. If you do Vishra's quest before Lepethida's, used to be you were gated until they put that drake in for that reason.

    I usually do Lepethida's and Savtek's quests first, but the other day I ran a different route and did Vishra's first. He wasn't there to talk to for Lephethida's quest but Bezub was and dinged the quest for me.
  16. Darkon Well-Known Member

  17. Sakurra Member

    anyone try to find marisha kur or a rift or a collection.....
    or has an idea who to find marisha kur?
    i have made the prelude quest from channeler today at twice (sorry but my englih isn´t so good)
    i think we must find a truespirit or marisha kur, try to find a collection or a rift that bring us in ghostworld.
    and i think that our weapon begins anywhere in etherne not in norrath. we must channel ghost so i think we will find the weapon in etherne. but how?? i don´t know. i try to find it.
  18. Baddluck New Member

    I think I found part of the quest line, but I haven't found the starter. There is an NPC that I don't remember seeing. He is an iksar, wearing Drinal gear, inside a tent in the Feerot. His name is Chiss Elissk. When I first hailed him I couldn't understand him. I had to go out and do the language quest for Sathirian in Fens. Now when I hail him he says "I hear the weather in Ethernere is Pleasant this time of year".
  19. Naramee Active Member

    we found that one too. He is the reason that I startet the questline there with Drinal
  20. Naramee Active Member

    but come to think of it, even if someone checked there everything, might we be looking for something where we need to learn Sathirian?