Channeler Blue Stats

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Harmonized, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Harmonized Member

    My Channeler is about to hit 60 soon and was wondering what blue stats are most beneficial to my toon, since it doesn't seem any of them help my healing because of the % based. Thanks in advance.
  2. dirgenoobforreal Well-Known Member

    Potency, potency aaaand potency.
    Draknox likes this.
  3. Vunder Well-Known Member

    % based healing doesn't use any blue stats at all. Never will.

    Your bread and butter now is ranged melee stats. Potency will help with a few of your combat arts but not enough to make a difference. DPS, attack speed, casting speed, reuse. (Not sure whats in game atm, the grind burnt me out at lvl 50)

    Focus on FLURRY when it gets in-game. The more you hit the more you heal so a high flurry will make you heal more passively.

    Grind is burning me out in general.
  4. Vunder Well-Known Member

    Also ignore any AA when it's time that boosts healing.

    These are a waste as they do NOT help %based healing.
  5. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Potency is your #1 stat right now, it increases your pet's health. You will gain more effective healing from potency, than any other stat we have access too right now. Cast speed is also helpful.

    Don't forget to grab the Bounty of the Virtuous, from the Splitpaw merchant. It does scale with both potency and ability mod.
    Rozyn likes this.
  6. dirgenoobforreal Well-Known Member

    Ur pretty lost.

    Potency is the only stat that matters for channelers right now because potency increases the constructs health. Nice try though. Cast speed is okay'ish.

    Ranged melee stats? No.

    This guy got some decent potency items. Although not latest tier or fabled, its good for a channeler.
  7. Harmonized Member

    Thanks for the replies. I hit 60 just a little bit ago. Now time to get that potency up!!
    Atan and Draknox like this.
  8. Atan Well-Known Member

    The feedback in this thread is spot on. Potency is the stat that matters.

    My own channeler I stack potency anywhere I can, the other slots I tend to have misc melee dps pieces for filler till I get something else. Not that the dps stats do alot, but if I can't find potency they're atleast doing something for me.
  9. Bekkr Well-Known Member

    I agree that potency is the most important one, but talking as if the rest of the stats are completely meaningless to channelers is not helpful, imo.