Change to TS Window Functionality?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Liyle, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Liyle Guest

    This morning I can no longer repeat a combine by hitting Return on my keyboard (instead it changes focus to a chat window and activates "reply.") Is this an actual change in the native UI or something that was a feature in Profit?
    I got rid of ProfitUI this morning, but there was also a big Update yesterday, and so I am wondering which it is. If so I might put Profit back since this made crafting writs and so on much much faster and easier on the hands.
  2. ARCHIVED-Senya Guest

    Enter has never worked for me to repeat a crafting combine. But I use the default crafting window. I'm going to assume that's a ProfitUI feature.
  3. ARCHIVED-Liyle Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-LaurnaRose Fauldorn Guest

    Senya wrote:
    Ive never been able to do it using ProfitUI either, so maybe it is a setting in options?
  5. ARCHIVED-Liyle Guest

    I don't think it works if you use the side-by-side in Profit. At least it doesn't seem to because the window looses focus at the end of each combine. For some reason the single view window doesn't and so Enter repeats the combine. You can double click Enter to Repeat and Begin, which saves a lot of time and hand/arm motion switching from keyboard to mouse. I just wish they could figure out some way to keep the TS window from coming up superimposed on top of the recipe book so we didn't have to fix it every time we log on.
  6. ARCHIVED-g0dless420 Guest

    I use profit, and have no issue with using enter/return to start crafting a repeat of something. Take daily adorning for example (that and because I've been doing it daily for the past month):
    Go to the table, open my recipe list, find the adorns to craft, hit enter or mouse click to eventually start the actual crafting here I do initially have to use the mouse and select a crafting 'art', but then I can normally do a 234 process etc. Once the combine is done I can imediately hit enter/return two times to start crafting again, and without using the mouse to hit the crafting 'art' again.
    So at least for me, other than that first initial mouse click I do 11 combines in a row without using the mouse, unless of course I have to quit and afk or something.
  7. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    It works in Fetish, as long as I don't click outside the window in between crafting objects. Basically, I have to have clicked on the TS window and be in there, dedicated, for the keypad to work. Which makes sense, really.