Celestial Overseer Quest

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Mournblade, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. Mournblade New Member

    Not to be a bother but 15 hr quest for a Superior Fragment of Planar Energy? Uh totally not worth it at all.,. please fix it ASAP
    girney likes this.
  2. Tocino the Troubadour Active Member

    i just completed one. Got the bonus crate.

    Crate 1 - 1 or 2 of every rare (not really that rare) harvest.
    Crate 2 - Extra Barding Slot
  3. dorotea Well-Known Member

    Some you win, some you lose, some are rained out. It wasn't raining.

    Overseer is designed to be a fun minigame that takes very little player effort and occasionally, not always, not usually, gives nice rewards. If I spent an hour on a PQ or three hours on a raid and got that fragment I think I would have a much stronger objection than if I took 1 minute to pick agents and send them out and then did nothing until the mission completed.
    Breanna likes this.
  4. Thornfinger Member

    First one

    Crate 1: Infuser
    Crate 2: Essence of Chaos

    Crate 1: Infuser
    Crate 2: 30 day Merc training

    Crate 1: Sambata Reins Recipe
    Crate 2: 180 Resolve Leather armor
    Breanna likes this.
  5. CSP84 Well-Known Member

    Well as (per Kander) this "Fun Minigame" is a REPLACEMENT for engaging content Quests /Quests lines, so it should be way better implemented.
    Rhodris, Mermut, Ratala and 1 other person like this.
  6. Priority Well-Known Member

    I regularly spend 3 hours/night in raid and don't even get an infuser. Difference is, there's a reasonable expectation of reward from raids.
    Breanna likes this.
  7. dorotea1 New Member

    CSP84 - I agree that it should be well implemented.

    Where I don't agree is with the apparent opinion that if rewards are sometimes crappy or even usually crappy this is a sign of poor implementation.

    If I buy a lotto ticket I usually lose. Operating as intended.
    If I put a quarter in a slot machine I usually lose. Operating as intended.
    If I send 3 agents out on a long mission I usually lose. Operating as intended.

    Do you think that Lotto and Las Vegas and Overseer are all poorly implemented? If not, why do you single Overseer out?
    Breanna likes this.
  8. Rebelde Active Member

    1st: Legendary new agent with an old trait
    2nd: Greater Fragment of Planar Energy + Sambata Stirrup recipes
    No difference from the rewards from blue or yellow missions
  9. PurpleChicken Active Member

  10. dorotea1 New Member

    That BoL as a whole is poorly implemented is beyond dispute <nods in emphatic agreement>.
    Erudinel likes this.