Casting buf on pet with a macro ? Canceling a buff ?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Kalika, Aug 7, 2018.

  1. Kalika Well-Known Member

    How can i cast alacrity on my pet , using his name does not works, may be there is a way to bypass this problem using a command that would be useability-on-playerpet.

    Also wondering how do i cancel FD (either my own FD death parlor, or a SK/Monk one), Looking for it in the buf windows sometimes takes too long.
  2. Daryx Well-Known Member

    For feign death use your stand command key; mine is 'x' which I believe is the default.

    For the buff, add a line to your macro with "target Petname" (with your pet's name) or "target_pet 0" BEFORE the line to cast the buff. The target_pet has the advantage of not having to be updated if you ever change your pet's name.
    Kalika likes this.
  3. Kalika Well-Known Member

    Is there a target last target slash command ?
  4. Daryx Well-Known Member

    There's a target_previous command. They are all on the wiki at

    I don't use the target_group_pet command for my own pet usually as the target_pet works. I am not certain now why I used target_pet 0 on the one character I looked at since target_pet works as well. I usually actually just use the pet's name in any case.
    (edit to add more on target_pet)
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Normally you press the grave (the key on the upper left with ~/`) to target your pet. This is controlled on Options > Targeting Keys Select Pet.

    To select a group member's pet, it's shift+F2, shift+F3, etc. That's also configurable in Options > Targeting Keys.

    To cancel FD, hit "x".