Caster only Warden?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Rhaegor, Jun 19, 2022.

  1. Rhaegor Member

    Hail and well met, folks.

    I'm curious if anyone, who has had the option to go melee Warden, (I have one about lv 112), but has stayed caster, and how they fared and QoL, (meaning having to upgrade attack spells)?

    I'm considering rolling a Warden on Varsoon, and while I know AAs aren't a thing yet, but they will become so eventually.

    I want to start fresh, on a TLE server, and frankly I'd like to stay a caster Warden for a bit of a change, and I already have a 90+ Fury, (I love me mah Droods, lol), but I'm concerned about gimping myself, and if the difference is substantive, trying to resist the melee call and essentially just having what I have now on AB, assuming that like most TLE, characters are moved there when the TLE is shut down.

    Thanks for any help you can give.
  2. Tkia Well-Known Member

    A casting warden IS a fury :D As far as I'm concerned the whole point of choosing warden over fury (or mystic over defiler) is to get the melee spec. Which I do because I mostly solo and trying to maintain casting distance while solo with no pet was always far more effort than I wanted to make.
    IME dps is not great at low level using spells but once you can spec over to melee it improves in leaps and bounds.
  3. Rhaegor Member

    ROFL. I getcha, but a Warden uses DD spells, Furies use DoT spells.

    If Furies can solo just fine casting, as mine does, (he's only lv 87 or so though), can't a Warden also?

    Honestly, I like the visuals of Warden spells more than the melee visuals.

    One thing that you point out as very true, is that pretty much for all casters always, (when solo), end up in melee range quite quickly, lol.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  4. Tkia Well-Known Member

    I find killing things tedious in the extreme so when I have to do it I have no interest in standing back and admiring the visuals. I just want it dead, NOW, so I can get on with more interesting stuff. Truth be told I normally have particle effects turned well down so I can see what I'm doing anyway.
    Arielle Nightshade and Pixistik like this.
  5. Ayodi Active Member

    Either way, it boils down to how you like to play. Melee or ranged druids are both fun, and effective, provided they are driven by a focused & edumacated player.
    Arielle Nightshade and Twyla like this.
  6. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    When you have the advantage of AAs, melee is the way to go for a Warden. Besides being mana saving (a casting druid uses a lot of mana - just ask your basic Fury), it's more dps overall. Once you get your mythical that won't be an issue, but it's still better dps.

    Since you don't have the choice up till then - obviously, you'll have to be a caster but you'll want to switch over as soon as you have enough AA to do so. I have always kept nukes current and of decent quality for those fights where healers have to range to avoid nasty aoes etc, though. I prefer to be a caster, but it's not the best option when all is said and done.

    If you are mainly soloing - you can do whatever you want. If you are in a raid or group situation, you are at a disadvantage if you allocate AAs with a view to being a caster only.