Can't kill Wavadozzik Adan

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Kini, May 10, 2018.

  1. Kini Member

    I'm half way thru Legacy of Power: Realm of the Plaquebringer and can't seem to kill this boss. I get him down to about 2% and he 1 shots me every time. I killed the 4 pods and at 50% I just keep spamming attacks as fast as they repop so I'm pretty sure I'm beating the 7 curse timer each time although he doesn't seem to emote it but a couple of times. I'm still at full health and then Bam, 1shot and I'm out. I don't see any other emotes or anything different to counter so what could be the cause?
  2. Evilnok Active Member

    you have to kill him in a timely fashion after taking the other named down so you have to be mega fast...these 2 fights however require another player that knows the fight and can help with taking down this annoying mob and if not 1 shot from him will always happen