[BUG] quest Family Ties causes a crash

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Finora, Apr 22, 2017.

  1. Finora Well-Known Member

    The Family Ties quest involving Fraka Dar in Vesspyr, requires you to destroy spell urns.

    I've completed this several times in the past on other characters, but now every time, without fail trying to destroy the first urn results in a lock up and complete crash to desktop rendering the quest incompletable.

    ***I take that back, you CAN complete it. Apparently despite the crash you the quest updates when you destroy the urn. You just have to be willing to endure 6 complete crashes to desktop, which might as well be incompletable.
  2. Kaitheel Developer

    That is alarming, Finora! I am not sure what could be causing that experience for you. I am not able to reproduce it, either locally or on Halls of Fate.

    Perhaps it was related to a spell or ability you were using to destroy the urns? If you encounter it again, with any other object, let us know!

    ~ Kaitheel
  3. Finora Well-Known Member

    Okay, strange thing was I was able to complete it, I think it was the next day. I crashed one more time doing the urn but that last time I crashed, my merc got suspended as if I had zoned into one of those zones that don't allow mercs, and I didn't notice until i was off fightiing something else (having given up again on the urns) and died to adds. Reviving, rebuffing and resummoning my merc I eventually went back to just finish it up (figuring I only had 2 more crashes to endure anyway) and I didn't crash for either of those.

    I should have posted again with the update. I really have no idea what could have been causing it. I was just on a 96-97 warlock in handcrafted AoM gear with a handful of quest items from around.

    All I did to destroy the urns was click the urn. No spells or combat.

    I wish I could give you some better information. I thought it was a simple "clicking this causes a crash", but apparently that wasn't it at all.