Discussion in 'Beastlord' started by ARCHIVED-Baeliir87, Sep 29, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Baeliir87 Guest

    Sorry if this comes off dumb but does anyone know when I can purchase the Beastlord class on the SC without having to spend 30-40$ for the AoD Expansion. Not trying to be cheap but I was a huge fan of the Beastlord in the original EQ and I just found out they're here in EQ2 now. I'm very new to the game so the whole expansion probably won't do me any good until a later date
  2. ARCHIVED-Darkmoogle Guest

    sorry my friend, but unfortunately at the moment the only way to get the beastlord is to buy the xpack... I haven't heard of anything making the class purchasable through the station marketplace.
    BTW it may be good to get it seeing with that xpack you can then hire mercenaries to help you along your path as you level up.
  3. ARCHIVED-Baeliir87 Guest

    very true, the merc thing completely skipped over me. guess ill be buying AoD, really enjoyed the Beastlord of the original EQ