Broken tradeskill writs with GU64

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Voleur, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Voleur Guest

    Not sure where to put this, but since it applies to tradeskills, this seems like the correct place.
    Several alchemist writs are asking for various versions of "Blood Rage". These are no longer completable as the only version that now exists is a level 21 combine, and does not update the writ.
    A few were also asking for the spell "Bruising". This spell doesn't exist at all now.

    I've sent in a petition about this, hopefully they fix it. Find it kind of annoying to have get and delete writs until it decides to give me one that I can actually complete.
  2. ARCHIVED-Cyliena Guest

    I hope you /bug reported it, since submitting a petition doesn't report a bug. That is a nasty one though. =\
  3. ARCHIVED-Mermut Guest

    I believe serveral people mentioned this in test during the testing of reckless stance... sad that it didn't seem to make the 'to do' list :(