Broken Achievements Reporting

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-Gninja, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Irgun Guest

    Although its just occurring on test so far, in advance to actually prevent the upcoming problem:
    - many achievements were flagged HIDDEN, e.g. the obtain 100k dungeon marks - so you never know how many you actually obtained so far (except you didnt spend one from the start) since you cannot see the counter anymore.
    Further examples are:
    - achievements in quest-category - new ones "Norrath Raconteur" and "Agent of Queynos" are visible - rest is hidden
    - achievements in general-category (housing decorator ones) are hidden
    Think there are many others which you cannot see anymore, maybe someone else who hasnt done much in this department can confirm / bring up further examples.
    In general: dont hide stuff, or at least: just hide some really fluff stuff like "hug 10 players" which is easily obtained.
    Thank you!
  2. ARCHIVED-Valgrave Guest

    "Expert Adventurer Collector" (collect 40 dungeon adventures) is broken.
    It stopped counting at 38...I currently have 46. It just simply stopped recognizing any new ones after 38.

  3. ARCHIVED-Valgrave Guest

    Not sure if any Devs are still looking at this thread, but seems to be some problems still with Achievements
    The dungeon adventurer (40 adventurers) still seems broken. I haven't seen the special mount achivements (for a leaper/etc.) awarded. And a whole bunch of tradeskill related achievements have suddenly disappeared from our tracking journal...number of combines, etc. no longer show up even though they were halfway finished.
    So, not sure what is happening with both the broken ones and the ones that have disappeared. Is the achievement system still being supported or is it being phased out?
    By the way, a long time ago, there were additional achievements for number of quests completed. Due to complaints, one or two of the highest achievements were removed based on only a few people could complete that number opf quests. Could those be added back in since we've now had a few expansions and the total quest number has grown?
  4. ARCHIVED-Shardstud Guest

    Shattered Lands
    hidden1/14Master Lore Hunter
    Complete all racial questlines in Qeynos

    Shattered Lands
    hidden1/14Champion Lore Hunter
    Complete all racial questlines in Freeport

    Shattered Lands
    hidden2/28Legendary Lore Hunter
    Complete all racial questlines in Freeport and Qeynos

    Any way to get the other racial questlines? I can only get the Human ones. I've tried using the petrified eyes for the illusion; that doesn't work. My Swashbuckler Disguise: Half Elf doesn't work either.
  5. ARCHIVED-Valgrave Guest

    Yes, you need to use the race change potions. Once you change your race, then you can do other racial questlines. Obviously, that gets a bit expensive with Station Cash. :)
  6. ARCHIVED-Irgun Guest

    Dozekars demise (challenge) - no update.......
  7. ARCHIVED-Irgun Guest

    Valgrave wrote:
    Not sure about this...rolled a froglok and not getting any response from first npc for racial quest - i think since the revamp(s) alot racial quests are broken deluxe - and furthermore: every race should be able to do any racial quest, since you cant expect people to pay hundreds of dollars just for 75 virtual points.......not even I am this crazy..
  8. ARCHIVED-Raienya Guest

    Not exactly a broken achievement, but thought I might ask here.
    How do you get "hidden" or all available achievements to show in the achievement window? Several months ago, someone on my server mentioned a two-line thing to type in, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is. It was something like /show_achievements_all and then something else on the next line.
    Any help would be appreciated. I'd like to know what achievements I am missing.
  9. ARCHIVED-Irgun Guest

    /medals_show_all 1
    Wont show hidden ones, but reveals the smaller steps if there is a progression for an achievement-line, e.g. do 100quests, 250quests, 500q etc.
  10. ARCHIVED-Valgrave Guest

    Irgin, I can confirm it works...your question about the races and quests. And yes, I am one of those crazy people who changes each of their races and does the quests of both Freeport and Qeynos. Doesn't cost hundreds of dollars if you do the stationcash purchases at the right times. :)
  11. ARCHIVED-Irgun Guest

    Valgrave wrote:
    Can you also confirm you can do a racial questline of lets say Darkelves if you are a good-aligned class, e.g. paladin?
  12. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    I will be going throguh this list over the next few days in an attempt to get most of these fixed with the expansion release. If you know of any achievements that are not listed in this thread and are not currently updating please just post the name of the achievement in this thread. The less said in the post the better, I just need to know the name and I can investigate it from there.
    Thanks again for everyone's help with these!
  13. ARCHIVED-daray Guest

    Dungeon Hall of Famer (2 and 3)
    Earn Hall of Fame status for two/three of your dungeons!
    - When I Hall of Famed my 2nd and 3rd dungeons, it gave me Housing Hall of Fame achievements instead of the Dungeon Maker ones.
  14. ARCHIVED-Freedom Guest

    Destiny of Velious Overachiever won't update kills for High Priest Mohnt or Grand Restorer Linwal.
  15. ARCHIVED-EQ_Irving Guest

    Temple of Rallos Zek: Foundations of Stone EM - I killed Statue on Saturday for the first time and didn't get any achievements.
  16. ARCHIVED-Nabisu Guest

    Star Destroyer (300 AA): When Sky Shrine went live, people got "bonus AA" without checking for AA milestone achievements (such as passing 100, 200, 300 AA). Because the milestones are tested for every time you gain an AA in the normal way, you could get the achievements retroactively as long as you had not reached the AA cap.

    But I had characters that had between 286-299 AA and got raised to the 320 AA cap when SS went live. Because they can't gain another AA, they won't get the Star Destroyer achievement even though they are way past 300 AA now.
    (see also: )
  17. ARCHIVED-Darln Guest

    Discovering Druid Rings : Shattered Lands
    The Darklight Woods druid ring does not update for this Achievement.
  18. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    Nabisu wrote:
    This might be a situation where we will need you to contact CS in order for them to flag you as I am not sure how we could fix that through a patch. I will look into it though.
  19. ARCHIVED-Raienya Guest

    Irgin@Valor wrote:
    That was the first line in the fix that someone typed in chat several months ago. There was a second line, but I can't find out what it was. But when you typed both, every achievement showed, hidden or not.
  20. ARCHIVED-Valgrave Guest

    Mission Implausible is still broken. As you progress with this cycle of Mission achievements, you don't lose your total count of missions, but once you are working towards Implausible, it suddenly "lost" all your previous total and makes you start over. Pretty sure that wasn't intended since the prior achievements remembered your previous missions completed. For this one, you should be starting with 1,000 missions finished (not 0) and working towards 2,000.
    Also, sort of related to achievements...there are the 4 "storyline" tradeskill instance quests under The Far Seas Trading Company. For each of these, there is also an achievement. I received the achievement, but not the quest completion. Seems sort of strange that the achievement completion didn't trigger the quest completion?