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Broken Achievement Reporting

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Gninja, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Gninja Developer

    Added to list and found issue.
  2. Gninja Developer

    Actually having trouble reproducing the Hand of Vallon update. Was it in challenge or normal mode?
    Found it! Was normal mode only.
  3. Rothrandir New Member

    The Tradeskill achievement "Undivided Attention to Detail" is currently still incomplete on all nine my characters despite having finished all the tradeskill quests (including What Dreams May Come) well over a year ago.
  4. Daray Well-Known Member

    I have done all the previous rose quests (and got all the related titles). I noticed this one auto-updating for guild members when they first logged in after the patch that added it. However, it did not update for me (no rose achievements were marked as completed/awarded).
  5. Daray Well-Known Member

    Shorthanded: Decorin Bonewing [Challenge]: Defeat Decorin Bonewing in Elements of War [Challenge] with 5 or less people.

    The above also didn't update for me when running HM EoW with 5 and again with 4 people (with kills on both regular and "beast" modes). Pretty sure others have got the update in the past, so not sure what is up with this.
  6. Tylia Well-Known Member

    Our guild killed One Soulwell Drinal earlier this month and did not get the achievement for it (on my mystic Lalla who is my raid character). I got the Restorer of Life for completing CoE raids achievement and the gloves though.
  7. Casca New Member

    Flawless Victory: Drunder
    Complete Flawless Victory Achievements in Drunder.
    • Grolla Skullwielder
    • Warmaster Deynka Packlasher
    • Warmaster Korok Hai

    There are no flawless achievements in Drunder Heroic so this triumph is useless right now
  8. Gninja Developer

    You will likely need to petition about this one as the achievement has been fixed but the system does not recognize it due to those quests already being complete (It only checks if you meet the requirements when you complete each of the quests.) If you have problems drop me a private message.
  9. Gninja Developer

    What category are you seeing that achievement listed under?
  10. Gninja Developer

    What category are you seeing this achievement listed under?
  11. Casca New Member

    Flawless: Victory: Drunder is listed under the DoV triumph category on EQ2U.
    However it seems that it has been removed from the game since I cannot see it...

    Concerning Shorthanded: Decorin Bonewing [Challenge] it's a hidden achievement in DoV Dungeons category.
  12. Gninja Developer

    Looking at the files I believe Shorthanded: Decorin Bonewing [Challenge] was also removed due to heroic zones not being intended to have shorthanded achievements.
  13. Dethdlr Active Member

    While cleaning these up, let me know if there are any that need removed from EQ2U because they've been removed from the game. New ones get automatically added to EQ2U, but existing ones aren't automatically removed when they get removed from the game.
  14. Gninja Developer

    Ah, that makes sense. I will see if I can find out which ones were deleted. I know a bunch of the sense of urgency ones from non zone bosses were removed. I will see if I can get you folks a list.
  15. Daray Well-Known Member

    Thanks. And yeah, I have to use EQ2U because the game client doesn't accurately track completed achievements for me (achievements I know I have completed, and that are marked as completed in the data feed, show as still not completed in-game - mostly found under the DoV raid section).
  16. Gninja Developer

    Can you send me a list of ones that are showing up like that and a character name so I can look into it. Maybe we can get it fixed :) Just send it to me in a private message if you don't mind.
  17. Daray Well-Known Member


    While compiling the list, I noticed I have Shorthanded: Defeating Ambassador Grindstone (normal mode) listed twice - I assume one of those was meant to be for challenge mode?

    Also, Shorthanded: Defeating Glokus Windhelm and Shorthanded: Defeating the Enraged Warboar seem to indicate the (removed) normal mode of the zone, when all the others list [Challenge].
  18. Dethdlr Active Member

    I've removed "Shorthanded: Decorin Bonewing [Challenge]" from EQ2U. Once I get the info from Gninja about others that should be removed, I'll get those cleaned up as well.

    EQ2U Lead Programmer
  19. Dethdlr Active Member

    We had a bug in our display logic on EQ2U that was causing some achievements with the exact same description as another achievement from showing up. Should be fixed now.

    I also added the new Live Events category while I was at it. Sorry for the missing achievements. If anyone finds any other bugs with them on EQ2U, let us know.
  20. Gninja Developer

    Thanks Dethdlr!