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Bristlebane Avatar

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Bevz, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Bevz New Member

    Today our guild spawned it first time. We were really excited, learned the event, etc..
    But we cant even pull him anymore. Every time we try we get message - 6 or more people werent in the zone when avatar was spawned. Well, I understand why it is there, but the problem is that we DIDINT change 6+ people we got 3 more people. thats all
    Then 3 people gone linkdead and returned, now we cant activate it even if we remove all new people from the zone. we keep getting that message "6 or more people werent in the zone blah blah blah"
    Oh and we tried to remove all LD/new people aaaand - got "not enough people" message :(
    I think if you leave zone/game something breaks in that script.
    so our day is ruined and avatar is likely lost...
  2. slippery Well-Known Member

    Everything about this Avatar is a complete disaster tbh. This was a major major flop, starting with the fact that you could literally never see it. You think you get streaky loot? Wait until this mob never spawns.

    Random spawning mob that you could never see that drops best in slot items is god awful on so many levels. Especially in raids that you can only do twice a week.
  3. Bevz New Member

    well and what about - you got ths mob. learned its encounter and fell that the next try will be successfull annd cant pull it anymore:(
    oh and you likey will not see him again, ever
  4. Gninja Developer

    The idea behind Bristlebane was giving a cool fight and a nice item that cannot be farmed. I know this can be annoying for guilds that are used to being able to get all the best loot as fast as possible but having it this way is what allows for the items to be very nice without having the rate of entry into the game being very high.

    The moving parts behind the scenes is you need to basically have the same raid or near the same raid that got loot from the normal avatar in the zone in order to engage Bristlebane. I will check through it one more time to make sure its working as designed.
    Oldtimer and Ranga like this.
  5. slippery Well-Known Member

    That's cool and all, until you never see the mob.

    You have to remember, we went like 0 for 19 on cloaks or something ridiculous when it was supposedly 50% drop rate.

    Let me turn in 3 of the avatar token things or something to spawn him

    Edit: Also it sounds like it doesn't save the actual raid members, but just the number. When someone goes ld it counts them as a new member when they come back. That's just what it sounds like though, I have no experience with this
  6. Gninja Developer

    Interesting idea but that means the guilds that do not hunt contested avatars would be at a disadvantage. With it just being a random roll on a chest dropping everyone is on equal footing. Your RNG might be bad this month but then again your RNG next month might be really lucky. That is not something we feel needs changed to account for just plain bad luck.
  7. Gninja Developer

    We will take a look at this and make sure its working correctly.
  8. slippery Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying it isn't an interesting idea for a mechanic to add increased loot, just that to then make that loot best in slot is pretty cheesy. It's like Drunder mythicals (another thing we never saw).

    Edit: I should complete my thoughts before hitting post. I actually like it as a mechanic to give you an extra shot at loot, especially in that zone under those circumstances. It's kind of like rolling the jackpot and getting extra. Which if it was just more, or slightly better, would be kind of whatever. When it drops something that isn't upgraded, that's when it feels like you get cheated. It's the kind of thing that is better left in heroic arenas where you can run the hell out of it for that super rare best in slot. Raids and super rare best in slot just don't mix as well.
    Neiloch likes this.
  9. Crychtonn Active Member

    This might not be possible but could you add something like what's on the new Avatar system. Where each successive time you go in and kill a loot dropping Avatar it increases the chance of spawning Bristlebane. Then after a certain number of kills without getting a spawn it's guaranteed to spawn.

    We're in the same small group with Equilibrium with bad luck getting him to spawn. And there's no way in hell drop rate of cloaks off Teku is 50% more like 5% :(
    Neiloch likes this.
  10. Chronus Active Member

    Agree with this totally, even though it's fine for us and we've actually had 2 Bristlebane spawns. Hullpiercer from Pirate Kings is a great example, 1 in 5 months or so when you're realistically running at least 7 scouts on the roster is immensely frustrating more than anything else.
    Twyxx and Neiloch like this.
  11. Dinwiz Active Member

    thinking like that is so wrong :(

    we have been farming pirate kings for 5 months now ? still no fighter wrist or brawler 1 hand dropped
    almost every time we get mage 2 hander and mage wirst , still MANY other classes need healer 2 hander and 1 handers / wrists

    rng seems broken and just stay unlucky for some items and really isnt fun part of the game adding more stuff like that avatar to be based on rng is just annoying
    Neiloch likes this.
  12. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    What about bad RNG for MULTIPLE months? This has happened by the way with many items, mobs and mechanics in general. It is not a 'rare' occurrence to see these HUGE streaks of good and bad luck for items that aren't even considered 'rare.' If a guild said they ran AOTG for months and never seen bristlebane some time from now I wouldn't be surprised in the least because I have seen much worse odds elsewhere.

    If you aren't going to put in 'token' systems for various aspects governed by RNG then the RNG needs to have supplemental code that manipulates diminishing and increasing returns on its selections to minimize streaking.
    Twyxx likes this.
  13. Ebofu Active Member

    The major problem with using RNG is that you average the results worldwide. From a players perspective, isolated to server/guild, it is completely flawed. You look at the data and see an even distribution across all servers, but we are limited to a microcosm, causing the system to break down.

    It's the same as when studies describe the 'average person'. There is no such thing, its merely mathematical terminology, it has no literal applications. You can come here and state 'we gave Bristlebane a 5% chance to spawn', but a particular guild can clear AotG 20 times and not see him. *The best thing you could do is at least run servers autonomously, this will at least help mitigate the natural fluctuations of a stochastic system.

    * Naturally the best thing would be using the players present on kills to determine RNG but I can foresee that causing more problems than it solves with the coding/implementation of EQ2.
    Feldon and Neiloch like this.
  14. Crychtonn Active Member

    For the bad luck streaks on loot drops they could go to having weapons crates and jewelry crates drop. They've said they are going back to the armor pattern crates with the expansion and having adornments drop separate from gear. Both things that I'm extremely happy to see they are going back to.

    This doesn't help with bad luck on Bristlebane though :(
  15. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    A lot of people don't seem to understand that "Random Number Generator" is RANDOM. If you were to do the encounter 100 times, and evaluate the results, you may be able to see the actual ratio. You really need something more like 1000.

    Random does not mean "I check to see how many weeks I've hosed you over and then take pity on you". Nope, nada, no. The only answer is to keep running the thing. Run it enough times, and it will eventually drop stuff. But there's no "I'll wear my lucky socks" or "It will spawn if we all run our tummies while patting our heads". You can't force statistics.
    Militant-Zanshin likes this.
  16. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    That reminds me on the idea, that even loot should get his own dropping table, eg item a dropped 50% of the time and item b dropped 1% of the time, item b will get a boost on the possible dropchance.
    Not that easy to implant.... guessing here, but would do help most players....
    Aside of that, we did the arena mutlipe times, without luck on bristle till today (not counted as we do not move in today ^^)
  17. slippery Well-Known Member

    Statistics also mean that one guild might NEVER see something. Like Bristlebane. Or Bows from Pirate Kings.
    Karrane, Feldon, Neiloch and 2 others like this.
  18. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    And some others did get it every 2nd try, thats the problem on beeing truely random.... other possibility would be to build in a counter, which does set the % of getting or spawning something will increase over trys.... but that will not happen.
  19. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I love how it's considered QQ when it's solo/heroic/tradeskill but oh so 'unfair' when it's raiders. Random should be random and that might mean you never see it. This thread is oh so funny.
  20. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    Such as? What random thing do people call 'whining' when its one of those? The only time I would accept something like things being this random/rare 'fair' for one of those if they want rewards that are WELL above the challenge of content dropping like candy.
    Raid quality gear being rare for some of the easiest content in the game? yeah I would call that fair.

    Rewards specifically balanced to drop/occur regularly not dropping for months or ever? Not so much.

    This isn't anything like the whining of people saying 'well I pay my blahblah so I should get what everyone else gets.' This is: 'I've done EXACTLY what you asked of me to get this reward dozens of times and have yet to see it.'

    We did. There are people in guilds who have been clearing PoW longer than anyone and they are STILL waiting for regular items to drop and I'm not talking about myth cloaks. At this rate they will simply not even see upgrades they wanted from content that's over one year old.There are players just making plans to get lesser items and to stop holding their breath after 4, 5 or more months of killing an encounter 2 times a week for an item (pirate kings for example).

    Do you see what I am saying? They have been 'running it enough times' anywhere between 5 to 11 months and haven't got what they want. At this rate its more likely they will get an upgrade from content that's yet to even be finished and released.

    Get back to me when quests just randomly don't give rewards they said you would get, tradeskilling doesn't give you the item you were crafting or long sig/heritage quests give you end rewards you can't even use and see who much you like the RNG.

    'How many times did you guys have to do this heritage quest before you got an item that your class can use? 20, 30 times?'

    'I just spent hours getting materials together for this mage hat and it made a bow. Aww shucks guess I'll try again.' Wow that sounds fun. Hey repeat it dozens of times over several months I bet thats like 200x more fun!