Bonus Harvest Broken on Shadeweaver Bud by 12/6 update?

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Meirril, Dec 8, 2016.

  1. Meirril Well-Known Member

    I haven't harvested an incredible amount of Shadeweaver Buds since the update, but with a 74% Bonus Harvest I'm use to getting nearly all of them as doubles. I've gotten zero out of six in the last two days. I asked in channel and most people said they have gotten none, one person said they got doubles the day before.

    So are a lot of people experiencing this? Or am I just having a streak of bad luck? I'm really interested in people that have gotten doubles since Tuesday. Please include your % of bonus harvest, and how many doubles out of how many harvests if you can remember. Thanks!
  2. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    Are ultra-rare nodes affected by Bountiful Harvest? (I know that Rare Harvest Chance doesn't apply, but wasn't sure about Bountiful Harvest.)
  3. Anghammarad Well-Known Member

    I had only one double harvest on that, even though without having my gathering gear on. It was in the first days of the addon. Since then, only single harvests.
  4. Udonn Active Member

    They were doing bountiful harvest before the patch. Now, doesn't seem to be working.
    Sejreia likes this.
  5. Meirril Well-Known Member

    It isn't an ultra rare node. Actually seems to follow the normal 15-20 min respawn. Its just that lots of people are looking for them. And before 12/6 bonus harvest worked fine on Shadeweaver Buds.
  6. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    I wasn't sure, since now they can only be seen with the Far Seas Harvesting Technique...thought maybe a flag was flipped on the back-end making it an ultra-rare now. (Ultra-rare in the "type of rare", not in the "how hard to get" sense, like the spellshards/foundations.)
    Sejreia likes this.