Bloodrage: crit and red adornment

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-ZerkerDwarf, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-ZerkerDwarf Guest

    Is Bloodrage the correct English name? I'm speaking of the self buff with a 33% heal chance when being hit.

    1. Is it affected by crit? Since it is so easy to get 100+ crit, does it heal with the maximum each time it procs?
    2. There is a red adornment to increase the chance by 10%. What end you up with? 43% or 36.3% (=33*(33/10)) ?
  2. ARCHIVED-Hardain Guest

    It crits, and therefore is also affected by crit bonus and potency. No idea about the red adorn, it should increase it to 43% to make sense, but can't say for sure.
  3. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    EDIT: Yep, most definitely crits and is subject to crit bonus.
    On Beta it was the lower % increase - i.e. 36.3% not 43%. Given the general cruddiness of that I haven't given it a second thought on Live.
  4. ARCHIVED-yadlajoi Guest

    yeah more zerker nerf while the crusader keep getting more and more overpowered....
  5. ARCHIVED-Obadiah Guest

    ZerkerDwarf wrote:
    It's 43%, by the way, so that's nice.