Bard Question

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by gaymer77, Mar 2, 2017.

  1. gaymer77 Active Member

    What's the difference between the two bard classes? Also are they any fun to play solo?
  2. Fairin Active Member

    Troubs are casters with melee attacks heres what a troub brings to the group/raid/solo at the end
    13 fervor (epic2.0 is 9 pristege debuff is 4) duration is perma / combat 66s
    15 fervor 22sec 60s reuse -stacks with other bards

    group wide hot (pristege) combat duration 66s

    raidwide 202 critbonus overcap (epic 2.0) duration 30s

    10% longer buffs (so a 20 second invulnerability buff would last 22)

    raidwide arcane/elemental auto cures (must spec for it)

    a single target large mana restore over time (no one uses this its garbage best not to waste aa getting it anymore)
    short ranged (10m) in combat mana restore (it heals like 5% power at 430k power w/24k potency) but has a short recast

    a large amount of " when spell cast " procs including several self only procs (makes that one spell proc 3 or 4 things kind of extra damage) - i.e. epic 1.0,/ intoxicating notes / poison concoction and perfection of the maestro, zanders pristege aa and the like.

    abhorrent verse: 16.5 seconds of group wide amends(50%) for any target of your choosing 90s reuse.

    Jcap (rightside pristege) procs insane damage, can be placed on 2 people perma. 3people semi perma depending on your micromanagement skillz

    group lay on hands (bagpipes Leftside pristege) insta heals VERY LARGE ammounts of hp, adds % based hot, and infinite reactive triggers for several seconds

    raidwide 2.5% doublecast via pristege middleendline Mamba of Blades

    Mez - Charm options, 5 meter spell range increase, 41% ability recovery perma buff (if spec'd for it)

    very high damaging victorious concerto - was higher than dirges due to spells hitting harder than theirs. but ascended abilities evened this playfield.

    Upbeat Tempo: perma buff, adds 3 ticks to dots / hots (effectively making them tick faster / do 3 more hits of damage) can cast on self to effect dots / hots, works great on furies/shamans. casters generally take the +2 for themselves and don't really benefit from this

    tl:dr, Troubs can do everything except dispell and cure curse.(tank / t1dps / druid heals, all at the same time!)

    someone else can do dirges, they got a res.. and weaker attacks and that sexy 8% parry about all i remember from mine.

    yes troubs are very fun to play solo, and when you want a group, you get one!. become good enough and people will actively ask you to group with them!
  3. Naramee Active Member

    I looked for some Infos on this and thought it usefull to post here: has there been any changes on bards upbeat tempo?

    I used to have 3 ticks on that spell but now we discovered it only has one. Which is strange since I did not Change spellskills. Am I overseeing something here?