Bag Sorting - Broken?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Grouse, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Grouse Active Member

    Quite a few of my alts have problems with the bag sorting options.

    I normally set up my bags such that only bag 1 has a bunch of restrictions, forcing new stuff to skip it.

    However, on one alt, the first three bags are skipped. I have tried changing the settings multiple times, but the simply don't seem to have any effect. Currently, bag 2 has ALL selected under sorting options, yet some things still skip to bag three when received.

    I hoped that using the "Default" option would help me start over, but all it did was change the icon size.

    Has anyone else run into this?
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Bag sorting is working fine for me. Granted, I set mine up differenting, with the first bags being unrestricted and my other bags being further down. My shiny and harvest tagged bags WILL get other things in them if all the previous bags are full. The sorting options don't PREVENT items of other types from going in those bags, they just set which items the bag will 'grab' out of other bags, given the opportunity.
  3. Grouse Active Member

    This is strange.
    Bag 1 has some restrictions.
    Bag 2 and 3 are set to All, with All and every item checked. The 'Skip during deposit" is NOT checked.

    Today I purchase a skill upgrade from the broker. It ended up buried in bag 4, skipping the first three.
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Skip During Deposit doesn't affect items going into the bag, it only affects items going OUT of the bags when using the deposit option on depots.

    My understanding is that the options do not prevent items from going into various bags.. they only set what type of items that bag prefers and will 'grab' preferentially.
  5. Grouse Active Member

    I turned off all restrictions on all bags -- and shuffled them around to reset everything -- logged out and logged back in to find out that things are finally going into the first bag. I probably won't bother with restrictions for a while, as I don't need the hassle right now.
  6. Castegyre Well-Known Member

    Bag sorting has been a bit quirky for a long time. Its fine most of the time, but when it messes up it can be annoying. I usually have the fully open bags to the front and the sorted bags to the rear. If a bag messes up I zero its settings out, remove it completely, and replace it with a different bag. Then I set the new bag to sort items and go from there. The bags remember their own settings.
  7. Whiomaju Member

    Smart bags!