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Back to Luclin!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kaitheel, Dec 15, 2020.

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  1. Kaitheel Developer

    Level 120 players in either tradeskill or adventure will find any of the Ulteran or Combine Spires are now connected to Luclin Nexus, allowing instant travel deep within the moon of Luclin, to the City of Fordel Midst!

    Established soon after the Combine found themselves stranded on Luclin, hundreds of years ago, Fordel Midst has been a welcome sanctuary for all who wish to live and trade in peace. In keeping with this tradition, now that the city has been reestablished and the Combine Spires in the Luclin Nexus are functional, once again, you too are welcome! Within this refuge you may help with the reconstruction efforts, make useful trades, or even forge yourself a new alliance or two. Those who do will soon find themselves with an update from The Duality, provided by Head Scholar Nabihan. The "Reign of Shadows" awaits you!

    May the Celestial Order bless your travels!

    ~ Kaitheel
    Soara2, Loocifer, Siren and 5 others like this.
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