Average DPS for fresh 90 Ranger?

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Delarm131, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Delarm131 Guest

    I made a ranger and rushed him to 90, and right now I'm wondering whats average DPS for a ranger with Gear from quests/the hole?
  2. ARCHIVED-callahan44 Guest

    Sorry to hear you leveled a Ranger to 90.
    Their heal/utility skills are on par with their DPS potential.
    Thought about betraying?
  3. ARCHIVED-bryan4171 Guest

    I am using a combo of beegee gear and quest items and am parsing between 4k to 6k depending on group make up.
  4. ARCHIVED-Umub Guest

    I don't have a "fresh" ranger. So I can't tell you what would be good DPS there. But I can give you a point of reference. I am currently doing about 10K Solo and on a training dummy at 90. I have a mix of t2/t3/t4 armour from TSO and 2 pieces of Legendary T9 armour, plus a full compliment of T9 jewelery. My crit is 100%, DA 100%, potency 20% and crit bonus around 14%.
    I am curious to see some other numbers here for training dummies. Anyone?
    I prefer numbers from dummies because it removes the variability of group make-up.
    By the way, my numbers jumped quite a bit when I bought a T9 legendary necklace with +10% Potency.
    Good luck with your new Ranger. I know I read a lot in the forums about how broken Rangers are, but I love playing mine.
  5. ARCHIVED-Mathrin Guest

    I'm not a fresh ranger either, but here are my numbers as a response for Umub.
    Level 90 - 232 AA's - Crit 113% - DA 109% - Crit Bonus 32% - and Potency 14%
    Thats with 3 piece T4, 2 Piece T3, and 2 pieces Legendary TSO armor. All T9 jewelry also.
    I'm doing around 13.5 to 15k on the training dummy.
  6. ARCHIVED-Lodor Guest

    My 90 ranger has no raid gear at all on and just 221 aa currently. Only 9 current tier masters and 2 other ad3s (old t8 spells are only ad3 since i never bothered respelling when i left exile durring RoK era).
    1387 agi, 100+ crit, 100+ da, 51.5 crit bonus, 55.7 dps, 88.5 haste, 30.5 potency, 350ish ability mod
    Just range auto parses 10k+ on a dummy.
    If i use all my temps and whatnot the parse is well over 30k since dummies have crap for mit/resists. (My biggest sniper shot on a real mob is over 120k while in a group also as a refference)
    Granted you will not parse this way fight after fight since we have so many slow reuse big hitting cas.
  7. ARCHIVED-callahan44 Guest

    Training dummy doesn't mean anything anymore.
    training dummy: (00:04) | 292973 | 73243 | [******-Assassinate-81633]
    ****** | 292973 | 73243

    That was from a pretty good 'sin, but I'd hate to see what Safana is hitting on it since betraying.
  8. ARCHIVED-Mathrin Guest

    What casting order are you using to spike to 30k on the dummy? Maybe I am missing something in my setup for burst dps. I typically have around 1200 agi, so I'm a bit lower there, and my bonus and potency are a bit lower, but still, I can't seem to spike that high in testing.
    I think my best parse on dummy ever was around 17k, while my best raid parse was around 25k. My best sniper shot was 78k in a raid.
    I know for sure that my auto attack parse isn't near 10k though so I must be missing something. It seems like you are just generally hitting harder overall.
    And yes, I do time my auto attacks when raiding and testing on the dummy.
  9. ARCHIVED-Runewind Guest

    Delarm131 wrote:
    Not sure what the average DPS is. But, when I hit 90 and equipped my gear, some of which was from quests and some of which was from a couple of the lower SF instances, I parsed 22k on the training dummy and 12k ZW in a group in conservatory. I don't raid much, But I didn't "rush" to 90 either, and I've had my character since release so I'm not sure how that enters into your equation. I hope that helps, though.
  10. ARCHIVED-Lodor Guest

    Some of it might be AAs. You using the myth or better damage bow?
    On the dummies that have junk resists i can auto attack for just under 30k a hit since with the natural scout crit bonus and my gear i have over 201.5% and the new aa adds 40% more if you use that also.
    Learn to use coverage before using hidden or sniper shot. that extra 32% if you have the master adds up.
    And these dummy runs i did were in a more pvp spec also. Sta line instead of int line. 5 in hp tso pred line so my ranger has 19.4k life solo in this setup so i do lose some dps aa mods.
    Do you have all the newer aa AE attacks? Those all tend to parse real well. Use the 2 with dots early in a fight so the ticks actually get to work.
  11. ARCHIVED-Delarm131 Guest

    Right now in groups I only get like 5k, depending on the group make I might reach 6k. I only have SF Quest Gear, hole gear and 149 AAs (People say the AAs **** me a lot). I just started my Epic, so I dont have that yet. I decided to stay a way from groups a bit and work on my epic and more AAs.
    I have no plans on raiding just casual grouping.
  12. ARCHIVED-Mathrin Guest

    Using the enervated myth. I have 232 aa's pretty much spec'd standard dps mode. Str/Agi/Int.
    When you say 30k a hit, I'm assuming thats with Double Attack, Caustic, Quick Shot? Or is that just your straight auto attack bow damage. When I parse on the dummy without using combat arts I think my extended dps is around 7k. I think, don't remember for sure, my bow hits are in the 12k range for each hit.
    I wonder if it is just a matter of the agility and crit bonus. I am also mainly using Expert 81+. I have 3 or 4 masters at this point but none of them are the good bow attacks.
    What bow are you using and what arrows? I am testing with titanium field point. I haven't tested with the new raid arrows due to the cost of them.
    As far as my process on the dummy. I usually start with all of the temp buffs and then go into attack mode. After I click focus aim, I am using Pred final trick, hidden shot, then coverage, then sniper, then going into AE's. It usually dies by the time the last AE hits or 1 to 2 attacks after that.
    I do have both of the AE's from TSO and SF. I'm guessing I should rearrange my cast order to move them higher up the list for greater effect.
    I know the dummy isn't great for real game scenarios, but I would still like to see what my burst dps potential is and figure out a way to maximize it for trash fights.