Assassins Flurry damage is it broken ?

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Aran Anar, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Aran Anar Active Member

    Please read my post here :

    From what I can tell reading the damage numbers on stealth skills in my hot bar in game is giving us 3% increase and not 30% ??

    Is this a old game update or patch where they lowered the damage amount on assassins flurry from Mythical Epic weapon ?

    Please post any information would be great thank you .
  2. Protips Member

  3. Entropy Well-Known Member

    Yep, most of the old AAs have misleading language. It's treated as raw Potency. Great when we had 30POT total, not so great when we have 30K.
  4. Aran Anar Active Member

    OK I know what going on here. I would have to remove all my equipped gear first from my characters equipment screen .

    Then float mouse over my best stealth skill. Read the damage number.

    Write that number on paper then cast Assassins Flurry from Mythical assassin epic read what the increased number is with no gear equipped.

    Then find if the increase is 30% which my guess it is really 30% simply of a much smaller number with no gear :confused:

    Hope this helps you guys :D