Assassin - Weapon Delay

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Mesander, Jan 12, 2021.

  1. Mesander Member

    I'm just curious which weapon delay setting (4 or 6 secs) generally produces more damage on the parse. I thought maybe the 4-sec delay would be better when you factor in the additional weapon swings that would allow procs on gear to be triggered more often by melee hits. I did some testing on a training dummy by simply auto-attacking with both 4 and 6 second delay mods. My results showed that the 6 second delay was slightly better. So it would appear the increase in sheer weapon damage on the 6 second delay makes up for the loss of damage on 4 sec delay as well as the procs.

    I realize this post and its context are very old news - I've never played an assassin before until now so I was curious if someone could shed some light on this without digging through page after page on the forum.
  2. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    I always liked a 4s delay best.
  3. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Does not matter at all in 2021.

    Procs and damage were normalized across the board 9 years ago, last year casting no longer stops your auto attacks and just a few months ago they made auto attack completely obsolete again and its only worth auto attack for procs.
  4. Stalkz New Member

    So...4 secs than for more procs
  5. Smashey Well-Known Member

    No. As I said procs were normalized so it wont matter if you swing every 4 seconds or 8 seconds. All procs now a have Proc Per Minute mechanic so it does not matter.
  6. Sowy Active Member

    (rhetorical question) What about things that proc on every hit? ....