Another GU, Another Lack of Change

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-Sydares, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gronker Guest

    Venez@Permafrost wrote:
    I hope you folks realize that 'fixing class woes' is probably a relatively low priority for the new producer. I'll bet "getting new subs" is probably #1, and "keeping existing subs" is #2. Growing > sustaining. Anyways, guess where that puts a specific class (which is not played much). If the ranger community wants to get fixed, it needs to feed the development track in terms that its familiar with.
    If there was a clear, concise list of "things to fix" thread with "top 3-5 issues" and "other ones" (without a flame war) there that's the best bet. You'll get 1+ real things fixed and a couple of others with the GU after they notice ...
  2. ARCHIVED-kartikeya Guest

    Gronker wrote:
    Unfortunately, we've had lists like that sticked for years. All attempts at making calm, rational posts with clearly labeled issues ordered by severity have been pretty much ignored. Case in point, Stream of Arrows has been broken into uselessness since the end of Desert of Flames, and we only just got it changed into something useful (which, incidently, still has an annoying bug, which still hasn't been fixed).
    I'd argue that class balance issues are one of the top things that drive players away from the game, and that ignoring them is only hurting their player retention, but I'm pretty sure I'd be preaching to the choir. If it were just rangers having giant issues, that might be one thing. Our issues are a big big big problem, we're in bad shape, but we're hardly the only class with big problems. Class balance right now is ridiculously out of sorts, and it's because of this attitude of ignoring a single class's woes until the problem becomes insurmountable that it's this way in the first place.