An eq1 lore primer

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Arthais, Jan 20, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ealan Guest

    Just wanted to point out in relation to real world timelines (another poster was trying to understand the release events)... Plane of Fear was the first plane opened and was opened before Bloody Kithicor. Bloody Kithicor was the event that opened the Plane of Hate and there had been a big in game storyline (for those that cared), complete with GM events, that lead up to it detailing the emergance of Lanys T'Vyl (the daughter of hate), counterpoint to Tunare's Firiona Vie. I was in a raiding guild during Bloody Kithicor and it was pretty crazy. Tons of lag and insanity of course, but still fun. Of course my guild was killing NPCs on BOTH sides of the equation to see what they'd drop. I *tried* to stick with just the Dark Elven troops as my target. I guess guilds are the wild cards of the EQ universe... Like bands of outlaws with allegiance only to themselves. The relationship between the concept of the players and the guilds and how they would/did/do fit in with the history is the coolest place for fanfic to enter, I think
  2. ARCHIVED-Deathmate Guest

    Is there like a EQ1/2 book out there with ALL the lore and store lines? I know i would buy it dont care how many books it was.
  3. ARCHIVED-Saroc_Luclin Guest

    Over on the EQPlayers site, Zatozia (our CSR) has gathered and posted the Lore for EQ that she has available (and is willing to post). Of course the post-PoP lore is not official for you guys here, but there is pre-PoP lore. She's said that as far as she knows this lore is Canon for EQ as well. It's up at:
  4. ARCHIVED-Tearltwo Guest

    Deathmate wrote:
    I know I'd buy a copy...or 2 :)
    I've always wanted to see a good, solid EQ book.
  5. ARCHIVED-Legdiwena Guest

    What I wondered is what was the great plan Qeullious put forth in the council to stop Rallos from destroying Norrath, though he tried to do it anyway?
  6. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Legdiwena wrote:
    I think it was her and Karana leaving behind avatars to spread the word to Qeynos and Freeport of the impending war that would eventually come.
  7. ARCHIVED-Legdiwena Guest

    That was what she planned with Karana and Tunare to safeguard against plotting Rallos did Sol Ro after council broke up. The plan she had should have been something different.
  8. ARCHIVED-Arlik Guest

    So it is said that after said player guild invaded the Plane of Time, time was altered or another universe was created correct? Just want to make sure that is correct before I read anymore, hehe, thanks.
  9. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Arlik wrote:
    Correct. There is a book in the game called The Words of Zebuxoruk, which describes how our alternate universe was created because of Druzzil Ro sending everyone back in time to a point to just before they invaded the Plane of Time.
  10. ARCHIVED-Arlik Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Thanks for the clarification. So, wow... that means in EQ2, the Plane of Time has never been invaded, interesting...
  11. ARCHIVED-Mirander_1 Guest

    Arlik wrote:
    Other way around, actually. EQlive is the universe where Druzzil turned back time to prevent Zeb from being freed; EQ2 is where Zeb was freed, and he's now actually hanging around the Isle of Mara.
  12. ARCHIVED-BleemTeam Guest

    An interesting take...
  13. ARCHIVED-Chosooth Guest

    In regard to Kerafym's conception, I believe his parents are Dozekar the Cursed, and an unnamed female of a differing color who was executed. Dozekar is cursed to be the subject of trials in the Temple of Veeshan as infinite penance and example of what happens to dragons who attempt to mate out of color. Vox and Nagafen *attempted* to create a prismatic, which is why one could see them being invested in Kerafym's release, as they could mate under his hypothetical rule.
  14. ARCHIVED-Apokolipz Guest

    Original EQ1 Lore is considered "canon". Any new lore added from later expansions and games that does not directly contradict the original lore is allowed as "canon". Anything that does contradict existing lore is not, but may be allowed based on a case by case scenerio, depending on how much it actually contradicts and whether it will alter more than just one or two minor facts. Basic rules of background lore for any RP system.
    For instance, here's a taste of obscure Teir'Dal lore from your ancient Lich, the Apokolipz: In Teir'Dal lore of EQ1, the true Thex rulers of Neriak died in the great battle in Kithicor between Lanys T’Vyl and Firiona Vie. Two nobles by the names of Cristianos and Naythox (which could very well have been names they assumed during this coup), who were among the few remaining original creations left, assumed rulership of Neriak, rising up to power and declaring themselves to be of the royal bloodline, even though those of the Thex bloodline had all died in the battle. The Regent, who should have inherited the throne upon the deaths of the bloodline, had "gone missing", but was most likely also assassinated by the new King and Queen.
    In order to do this, the two new members of "royalty" must have altered the written history and records in Neriak, changing or erasing certain aspects of Neriak's records to benefit themselves, such as the matter of their own bloodlines. So, the King and Queen of Neriak referred to in EQ2 are in fact these two usurpers and not the original King and Queen that were created by Innoruuk.

    So, as you can see, obscure lore can alter everything, even if it was from the original EQ1 lore long before the last dozen expansions, heh. Plus, using this as an example, some lore considered "canon" can be altered, if done in specific ways, i.e. a person of political power altered the original history so as to hide specific facts that are found out in a later expansion that forever changes the original "canon" lore.
  15. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I was at the Battle of Bloody Kithicor, and I never heard any mention of the original first King and Queen of Neriak dieing, or even participating in the battle. Considering Christanos Thex had been an NPC in the necromancer guild in Neriak right from the very start of the game, before that battle took place, I find that hard to believe.
  16. ARCHIVED-Apokolipz Guest

    I know the original Battle of Kithicor was an in-game event that took place on the first Halloween of the game, back in '99. Obviously, as a "dirty little secret" of Teir'Dal history, it would not have been announced when it happened. Not to mention, all EQ1 lore was constantly being altered by EQ during these first years, with new versions of old history popping up all over the place. I assume you are referring to this first event, though you may not be, since I also know that the SoD expansion had a Kithicor raid expedition in '08, which was also called the Battle of Bloody Kithicore. I mean, you could be referring to that, instead, I dunno - I aint you, hehe. Plus, there was the time Lanys came back in '05 for the DoD expansion with a handful of events for another series of battles between her and Firiona Vie...
    Anyways. Just because a piece of lore is obscure does not mean it did not exist. Most of the original EQ1 lore has gone missing over the years as websites were deleted and you cannot even find some info that was common knowledge in the original '99 edition books that came with the game, but the tidbits I mentioned were among the Teir'Dal lore I collected after the Firiona Vie server went live, in preparations for my creation of the Apokolipz character. I made a few "test" characters on FV to see how the RP was, saw that the Dark Elves were the center of RP for evils, so eventually went that way. I spent several months compiling as much Teir'Dal info as I could so as to make the character more believable in RP. So, by '03-'04, it was among the Teir'Dal lore, though not common lore (i.e. not in the general racial descriptions). I did extensive Teir'Dal lore searches and it was among all of the stuff I found.
  17. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Yeah, if your lore is based off the Battle of Bloody Kithicor as it was told in the DoD expansion, then it's completely non-canon to this game. The king and queen weren't even at Kithicor forest during that battle, it was strictly a fight between Lanys T'vyl and Firiona Vie's armies.
  18. ARCHIVED-Apokolipz Guest

    I just said my info came from '03-'04..... and I then said that DoD was '05... you don't follow the years very well, huh?