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Ages End: The Final Chapter

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Eles, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    Lendiniara wasn't in the Nexus. We used it to contact her, yes, but she wasn't trapped there. She was in Eq1. in fact their recent expansion, was about dealing with her being flung from our version of Cobalt Scar to Eq1 and in the process ripping a hole between Ethernere and EQ1...and Eq1 players had the task of fixing the tear and sending her back to us.

    Rohen Theer was never alluded to in the begining of Eq2. The influence of the Void was, through characters like Rikantus Everling. we learned about the plans of the Void, who the Shadowedmen were, loosely through Everling, Varsoon and invading the Obelisks. the closest we ever came to learning of Theer was only in KoS in a VERY brief way as in there were a few items that had the title 'of theer' to them. RoK showed us about the Monoliths of Theer, which were pieces of the Shissar Calendar.

    It wasn't till the shadow oddessy that we learned that Theer was very much alive, and what he might be, as the overall 'leader' of the shadowedmen that had struck a bargain with fallen goddess Anashti sul...and then we were tricked into dealing with him in Odus by Kera.

    Not that he didn't need to be dealt with thanks to his tug of war between the plane of Underfoot and the Void due to trying to use Odus as a planar stepping stone back to norrath. So while I guess you might say it was all leading to Theer from day 1 with the background Void story, it was never really hinted the Theer was a leader/sentinal of balance/lord of the void until much, much later.

    if there's any characters I want to know more about it's some of the 'side' villians. like Kyle Bayle, or Tserrina. or what became of Talvus, Tayil...or why Cristanos has the odd double voice over, or what Opal might do with the information of knowing what Lucan De'Lere actually is.

    I imagine, if Kera wasn't completely dealt with in Age's End, these plot hooks prolly won't be utilized until his ultimate defeat/death/reimprisonment though.
  2. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    Thanks about the info on Lady Lendiniara. I knew she was making a mess over in Eq1, but as far as I know that still was a work in progress for the raiders in that game. They just recently finished the Tower of Rot storyline with Kyle Bayle in it and was leading up to Lady Lendiniara herself, but it's still not something that was over and done with just yet. Which is why it makes her appereance in Eq2 all of a sudden a bit of awkward in that sense and I would really like for that to be explained a bit more in the dialogue so that others like me would understand.

    For Roehn Theer, he was definetely alluded to since the very beginning of this game. Not in the same manner as he was when TSO came out, but the signs were definetely there. There are threads about people speculating and trying to decipher who Theer was and why was he mentioned and what it was leading up to in the future. It wasn't prominent, but the cryptic messages were there.
  3. Liched New Member

    I believe it was everlings lover you might be thinking of who began this whole crazy quest to the void to free anashti and consequentially theer
  4. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    Intended or not, it was pretty epic the whole Roehn Theer story and what eventually happened to him against Kerafym.
  5. Meirril Well-Known Member

    She told us when we finally activated the Nexus Core that heroes from that other Norrath would help her get back home. I.E. EQ1 was going to handle that part of the story. Considering that we're dealing with time travel Lendiniara could be dropped back into the story anytime and anywhere the devs want to. Heck, she could of materialized in the Lost Age before she finally made here way to us.

    Even without the Tear of Veeshan meddling in her magic she was the CoV's anchor for chronomancy. She used that to hide in time. Being bounced back into our dimension she's probably the only being that could control where she actually appears.
  6. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    I agree. Plus with all that wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff (kudos if you get the reference) no matter when she disappears from EQ, it isn't really relevant to our timeline, since our dimension is ~500 years ahead of EQ's dimension.
  7. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    That's alright, but at least some sort of explanation about this?

    I mean, I know that they still haven't dealt with her over in Eq1 so maybe they don't know want to say anything that would spoil it, but still... you know, c'mon!
  8. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    The best explanation that I, as a player, can give you is that (supposedly) our timeline exists one dimension over and ~500 years later than EQ's timeline. (As far as lore is concerned.)

    What this means in practical terms is that Lendinaria could leave EQ any time within the next ~500 years and appear in EQ2 tomorrow, without causing a paradox (or violating lore). Beings can't occupy more than one location at any given time, but our given time is ~500 years ahead of the point in our timeline that parallels EQ's timeline, so although it would appear that Lendinaria is in two places at once, she's really not.
  9. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Who says a being can't be in two places at once? The Duality is two beings occupying the same space, or two separate spaces as the Duality deems necessary. Raid bosses have split themselves into multiple beings to fight us.

    Even if two versions of the same being, from the same timeline get called into existence...its up to the writer to say what happens. Sure, lots of writers have said bad things will happen, but since this doesn't really happen any writer is allowed to make up any answer they want to. There is some great science fiction out there where bad things happen, the universe makes sure it doesn't happen (with reality altering consequences), and even a few where anything goes.

    But back to this case. Anything that happens in EQ1 "right now" doesn't impact on our timeline unless there is a direct breach between the two threads. When your talking about a dragon that is lost in time and space that can travel in time and space... lets just say anything could happen and it shouldn't be a surprise that Leandria herself took advantage of the situation.
  10. Ucala Well-Known Member

    most mobs that split themselves are either avatars (who we never fight anyway, we only fight images of themselves) so the ability is really just to create more images of themselves, which is easy since well, they are avatars.
    there was rhoen theer, who had the power from the swords.

    overlord talon can clone himself, but only for a few sec.
    most things we fight infact are not able to remake themselves many times over.
  11. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Science. :p
    That is two separate beings occupying the same place, which is the inverse of what I stated. The Duality consists of Dartain and Al'Kabor, which actually aren't seen occupying the same exact place at the same time, instead they alternate between the two. However, I will grant that you can take one character to one location in the game and a different character to a different location in the game and see the same NPC - although they are technically different versions of the same NPC. What I was speaking toward, though, was the possibility of the same NPC at the same stage of its personal timeline occupying two locations simultaneously. That would be a temporal paradox, and thus is disallowed.

    As long as Lendinaria's personal timeline re-intersects our timeline at a single (unless there is a subsequent separation after the re-intersection) distinct point, then there is no paradox.

    An amoeba can fission into two daughter amoebae, but that doesn't mean that they are the same being. Unlike amoebae, the mobs to which you refer also fuse back into the original mob. This occurs in non-raid mobs as well. For example, Sheekla the Ether Fang (pictured below) in EJ can split into numerous copies, but they are just that - copies. When Sheekla dies, there aren't multiple Sheeklas from which to get a chest - there is just one.

    Sheekla the Ether Fang

    Regardless, we are in agreement that whatever occurs to Lendinaria in EQ has no bearing on her presence, or absence, in EQ2.
  12. Gorion Member

    Not that it matters since you missed Rotherian's point anyway, but you missed quite a few mobs. Rumbler in EH, XYZ in Underfoot Depths, Gregor Haldane and Hand of Vallon in Drunder, Lady Mirenella (which is technically just her skeleton, but it counts imo), and I'm sure others that I'm forgetting.

    The truth is, they wanted to do a crossover event so they flung Lendiniara there, and even though EQ1 players aren't done with her, it's time to wrap up our story finally. Rotherian's right that she's just returned from EQ1's near future, and that the timelines don't have to sync up perfectly when time travel is concerned, not to mention cross dimensional travel. There are also enough precedents of crazy magic in this game to just say "cause magic."
  13. Ucala Well-Known Member

    hmm I don't think lady mirenella really counts :p
    hand of vallon, the HM could be, I don't really remember, but from what I remember on EM you never fought the hand of vallon, you fought 2 golems :p
  14. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Image? You mean like an illusion? Or a hologram? How does hitting an illusion, hologram or image actually do damage to the ... thing you just hit? How do you kill an image? An Avatar is a portion of a deity. The two different kinds are the one where that portion fuses with a mortal, and the second where it is a manifestation of a deity which is a lesser copy, but still a copy. I'm sure that anything the copy learns the deity is aware of as well. Pretty much every time we see a deity (even on its home realm) its an avatar. I'm also fairly certain that deities in the EQ universe don't have material bodies per se. While being material is probably more natural to them, they certainly aren't restricted to being material. The inference there is that they are only material because that is what they are accustom to, but the actual truth of the matter is they don't need to be.

    That gets further confirmed in that the death of a deity isn't the end, its just a major inconvenience as they reform their body over time as they gather energy. Thus, you can't just kill a deity. You need to kill the power that created them in the first place. Or at least kill their consciousness instead of their body.
  15. Ucala Well-Known Member

    yes kinda like a hologram.
    you clearly don't know about the Gods.
    they never show their real full form in eq2. (except for rallos, he is the only one we actually killed).
    the rest are just mere images of themselves.

    you would have to go to their Plane to actually fight them
  16. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Maybe you should re-read the part you quoted. I covered all that. In great detail.
  17. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    So, anyone watching the Vizshus stream tonight catch the big spoilerific ending from beating the last boss in Ages End x2?

    I still can't believe what happened. I'm a bit flabbergasted by it!
  18. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I didn't see it, no
  19. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Nor did I. What happened?
  20. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Spoilers....but I'm not too likely to see the x2 raid anytime soon so...yeah what happened?
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