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Ages End: The Final Chapter

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Eles, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Gorion Member

    I'm going to assume there's a quest(line) accompanying this zone that better sets it up, and walks us through it, but honestly, there isn't much else we need to do before facing Kerafyrm. We stopped his plans for the tears by destroying them, the Temple of Veeshan I guess is stuck where it's at now without the tear, and his armies and generals have all been defeated. We killed, I believe, 16 dragons throughout ToV heroic and raid, and countless scores of his Aerakyn, and that's after his forces were already weakened by the failed siege of Skyshrine. On a side note, shouldn't Vesspyr Isles be way more crowded now since that's where all of those dragons should end up?

    What I'd like to see out of this quest that I assume exists, is for us to talk to the duality, talk to Mayong and maybe help him track down the last couple Monoliths of Theer (unless he managed to find them all, plus the 5 that we found already in CoE), talk to Firiona, Theer, Erus Dal'viv, Susarrak, and Lady Lendiniara (who I assume will be back from her vacation in EQ1), and then we'll all go face Kerafyrm together. The Monoliths of Theer, I assume will bolster Theer's power, and along with the recharged Swords of Destiny and Susarrak the Crusader, he'll face Kerafyrm while we deal with whatever advisors, bodyguards, ect. that are left, or maybe we'll have to deal with magical eruptions the fight with Kerafyrm causes. I don't think we'll kill or even put Kerafyrm back to sleep, but we will remove Theer's power from him. Then he'll fly off injured and plot his next scheme, which we'll learn about in the expansion. Ages End will be over, but Kerafyrm's story won't be.
  2. Ucala Well-Known Member

    yes, killing Kerafyrm doesn't seem like it will/should happen.
    I mean he is supposed to be the greatest mortal of all. so if we kill him, it kinda just goes downhill from there on what to do
  3. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Or we just lock Kera away with an unkillable Qho for all eternity in an ever respawning harvest node filled pocket plane. Nothing but murdunk oranges and lion meat. Forever.
    Cyliena, Xillean, aspekx and 4 others like this.
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    the real question here should be.
    what is Kefyrem say in Ancient Draconic that we couldn't understand when we were hiding the tear
  5. Ucala Well-Known Member

  6. cellinaire Well-Known Member

    Ya, feels anticlimactic but we know Age's End arc dragged long enough already...

    Hopefully they'll do better with future storylines =)
  7. Gorion Member

    Atleast it's under the Quests category, which implies there is indeed a quest that properly sets it up.
    Malleria likes this.
  8. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I was thinking more like a quest that takes you through the x2.
    but only time will tell
  9. Ucala Well-Known Member

    here is some achievements that are on beta.

    [IMG]if someone has any hints on where to check, I can check them :p my guess was 1 is in the qeynos side, and 1 in the freeport side, since they are under attack in the cities, but even those are quite large areas to check :p

    I noticed there was a group of people outside the queen's castle, some Kyle Bayle was talking about wanting to overthrow the queen and the queen came out talking about how they need to stand together to overcome all this etc etc. is that normal?
  10. Enkefalos Member

    Kyle Bayle event has been like that since the Qeynos revamp.
  11. Hammdaddy Active Member

    Id bet you beat kerafrym and then the powers go to general and theer regains it and then theer is like yoloswaggonnakillthesekids
  12. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I wager it's more of a beat the General, paving the way for Theer with his empowered swords to strip Kera of his powers, adn then he'll turn on us saying 'This was all YOUR fault for screwing around with things you shouldn't! I'm going to make sure you can't do it again!' reasoning.
  13. Chronus Active Member

    I thought we'd already killed his general Vulak'Aerr in Dreadscale Maw. Will it be a bodyguard or something maybe?
  14. Hammdaddy Active Member

    Dargons are endless in norrath brah
  15. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Streaming this zone @ twitch.tv/vizshus !
  16. GabenBison Active Member

    He's overrated. If he's so powerful then why does he need an army to do his bidding, even before the gods came back to Norrath.

    I have a feeling SoE is going to drop the ball with this. Apparently they're going to be tying up all previous lore loose ends for EQ2. Just keep in mind there is a lot. God knows how they'll do that. Likely it's going to turn into a huge joke.
  17. GabenBison Active Member

    I was really hoping that the entire questline for the Qeynos Revamp was to be a prelude a few years prior to a Deadhills expansion.
  18. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    KeraFyrm is powerful, the most powerful mortal being known, but he's still 1 against many. the 4 Crusaders, for example, combined, were his equal or possibly even his better. Yelinak could hold his own even if it was a losing fight. and he can't be everywhere at once, hence he has legions and legions of followers.

    we'll prolly be seeing what Mayong has been up to. EQ2 insider has shown that during the event itself, Lucan and Antonia will be there with us in the fight. I imagine the Duality/FV will be there as well...and Rohen Theer will be even if we have to fight him as well. I imagine he might play a role in facing Kera.

    Will we kill Kerafyrm? I find it unlikely. drain him of the Godslaying power, sure, weaken him enough to throw him back into stasis? sure. but I doubt we'll be strong enough to kill him.

    As to the Dead Hills...I don't think they even exist anymore in Eq2. I think they were part of the global; flooding/collapse and are long gone...which is probably a reason why Kyle would even want the throne of Qeynos. as his own 'kingdom' is underwater or otherwise destroyed.
  19. Ucala Well-Known Member

    he doesn't Need an army, but his purpose is to free norrath from others and give it back to the dragons. so he will accept any dragons that are willing to fight with him.

    it's like saying that the devil doesn't need help, but that doesn't mean he won't accept demons/beasts to help
  20. Bloodguts Well-Known Member

    I like the lore so far, honestly.

    It kinda seems a bit rushed. We've been following for so many years. Roehn Theer been banished to the Void. With the founding of Qeynos and Freeport and the swords. Finding the Chelsith Stone and dealing with Mayong Mistmoore and Lord Bobbick. So many things that built up to finding out what Kerafym was really doing and tricking Roehn Theer into being defeated by us mortals. Then with the whole War of Zek going on and finally finding Kerafym building his army that we must fight against.

    So many things and loose ends that we've had first hand experience with along the many years this game has been out and so many more I didn't even mention. But it's all there.

    The only problem I did find and felt really out of place was how Lady Lendiniara came back into existance after being trapped in the Nexus all this time. That seems, to me, like the only thing that SoE pulled out of their sleeve and smacked her in to make sense of this story. I understand that going into the future she was going to be point of attention into finally killing off Kerafym or getting us closer to him, but all of a sudden she's back and there's no real explanation about how was she able to escape from the Nexus.

    Maybe if there was a bit more lore about this aspect in specific I would a bit more content in understanding what is going on and the why and how of what we must do.

    Personally, I would have liked a longer story about this, to end in a really epic way. But i'll take what I can get.

    After this is done, though, would be interesting to see what SoE has in store lore wise to continue the story of this game. Roehn Theer was one of the biggest lore focus of this game. It was cryptic since the very beginning of EQ2 in knowing who this powerful creature was and what was his purpose and then to finally meet him in Sentinel's Fate and defeating him int he most epic of ways, with a disco platform on top of it all! Now that him and Kerafym are gone, new enemies and epic stories should begin and i can only wonder, and be intrigued into what that may be.

    Hopefully SoE won't let us EQ2 Lore Freaks down!