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Ages End: The Final Chapter

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Eles, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Meirril Well-Known Member

    If this is the end of the Kerafyrm story...its very anticlimactic. I always imagined that we would rally the forces, pull people together (or see the gods do it) and then move against Kerayfrm. I thought we'd know who the final players are. Honestly, does anyone here feel like they KNOW what is going to happen in that x2?

    Kerafyrm should be there. Beyond that? No idea if we'll have any allies. No reason to expect to see help from the Combine Army. No reason to expect Mayong, the Duality or Rohen Theer to show up.

    And I suppose no reason to think this is going to be THE finally of the Kerafyrm story. Hopefully it isn't too much of a let down.
  2. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I still think it's your x2 is going to meet up with a x2 of the heroes/legends. you'll get in there, and see Mayong, Tserrina, Firiona, Antonia, Lucan, the Duality, and Theer at least, and probably Lendaria as well...maybe you'll even see some of the heroes of EQ1 since they have to send Lendaria back, like Lanys. maybe even Kyle. and we'll meet up with thier x2 to make a x4 and face Kera with the players cating more in support of the 'legends'.
  3. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Even if that is the case it would be a rush ending. We didn't work up to a major confrontation. We didn't gather allies. We have no clue that it is coming. When we left the Combine Army was in shambles, the two major cities are under siege, the Duality is in secretive research mode and Theer was still sulking in his tent.

    Granted it has been nearly a year. Mayong could of pulled the Combine Army together. Heck Firiona, Christanos or the Far Seas Trading Company could of done that as well. (or is Mayong the power behind the FSTC?) Lendaria... she should be there but she hasn't had time to pull things together. We should at least notice if she is back. I honestly can't see Qeynos or Freeport mounting a major offensive while the city is under siege.

    And where would our allies come from? Would they cross into the Ethernere? Would they come in from...where? Honestly, where is the Temple of Veeshan in our Norrath? Is it still connected to the blasted Western Wastes? And how would we not notice an army entering ToV from behind us? Or is there a very convenient hole straight to the boss's lair?
  4. Loshal Member

    Maybe it'll be something completely unexpected, like the intervention of the spirit of Emperor Ganak. :)
  5. Anaogi Well-Known Member

    Sigh. So much for my dream resolution (in either the shattered remains of Luclin, or Luclin just prior to its destruction). This sounds like it's just going to be a pro forma thing just to put the whole business out of its misery.
  6. Ucala Well-Known Member

    there very well could be some gate path within the temple to connect Ethernere to norrath.
    Kefyrem used the power of the tear to push his temple/army into Ethernere, we also very well could find the power ourselves and be able to magnify it to bring an army in as well.
    maybe things could really happen
  7. Liched New Member

    So i completed this on beta and here is the text from the event:

  8. Ucala Well-Known Member

    idk if troll or not, but I couldn't find anything on beta
  9. Anaogi Well-Known Member

    We fight our way into his lair and find his corpse and a note:

    "You were worried about THIS? --Kratos"
  10. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    the Temple is in Ethernere. where Kera shoved it. but Kera himself is not in the temple. he got/learned whatever he wanted and has already left.

    this maybe a simple thing of Kera isn't trying for world dominion right now. the armies attacking Qeynos/Freeport are a distraction. keeping people from pestering him, while he is desperately looking for a way to control the Godslaying power. He had planned to steal the power and more then likely challenge Veeshan...but the power is unstable, overwhelming, and it wasn't something he could have forseen.

    ruling the dragons as God-king won't work if he can't control the power. undoing all creation and killing himself is obviously not a solution he wants, either. Kera isn't the type to martyr himself.

    but we don't know what the Godslaying power is actually doing to him. it could be burning or eatting him from the inside out for all we know. it maybe making him so weak a x2 could kill him, or put him back into stasis. We'll just have to wait and see.

    and the Combine isn't in as much shambles as people think. in fact, I'll bet 5 to one after doing both good and evil endings to the CS event, that the only city not in the combine right now is Freeport. because Lucan is a egotistical dick.
    Antonia still seems to have hope for the Combine, even though she's very distraught over Vishra and Lucan's actions...Lucan on the other hand, basically says that Freeport is no longer a member, and the only way they'd rejoin is with the Combine completely under his control, which ain't gunna happen.

    Firiona and the Duality would strive to keep Kelethin/Neriak/Halas/Gorowyn together, and I think they coudl do so. I'm sure Antonia would keep the course. it's Lucan that's taken his ball and gone home.

    and I would love a major event to end Age's End to see Lucan taken out of the game, destroyed by Kera for his bravado. we killed Rallos, I don't see why they couldn't kill Lucan, and have Talvus or Opal replace him as 'Overlord.' or if not kill him, strip him of his leadership and leave him an immortal but broken figure.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  11. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    As much as seeing Lucan taken out sounds cool, it might be hard if not impossible to do... there is so much 'Lucan' in the early Freeport quests, many references to the Overlord, heck, he comes out to execute someone all the time in open daylight. All of that content would need an over haul...

    But it would be really nice to see Freeport evolve...and I don't think it can under Lucan.
  12. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I see the point...or perhaps make him a true figurehead. he's there, and he gets to talk big and bad...but he answers to someone else., becuase of his own stupidity. there's even several ways they coudl do it.

    1. Opal tells Cristanos what the Wraithguard/Lucan are, and Cristanos put her own leadership in Freeport 'behind the scenes' threatening to flat out destroy Lucan if he questions it now the she knows what he is and probably, how to destroy him.

    2. Opal herself makes Lucan the figurehead, using the old tried and true Vizierish position. she knows his secrets, and he needs to keep her close to avoid the wrong people learning them, and she takes advantage of the situation

    3. Talvus, being betrayed by Lucan with the events in Longshadow Alley, aligns with both Opal AND the other DE who gave him to Theer. armed now with the knowledge of what lucan is, and between the three of them, the potential to utilize it, the force lucan into being a figurehead.

    4. the Order of Marr gets an 'anonymous' package that details what Lucan is, how to get rid of him/Wraithguard. they take it as a sign from Mith Marr, and infiltrate freeport, eventually confronting Lucan and forcing his agreement. the Order of Marr dictates the policies, Lucan gets to play leader and do as he's told. (which also leaves leeway for him to bend or twist rulings without a leadership looking over hsi shoulder)

    Lucan has proven on several occasions now that while he might be a military and tactical commander of the highest caliber, he's an absolute idiot when it comes to politics or subterfuge and countering or seeing it before it bites him in the ***.

    Cristanos broke the Darklight Pact before the ink even dried.

    Opal stole Soulfire out from under him and delivered it to another continent...and has also figured out his secret of what he is..yet she can talk her way out of execution.

    Tayil if I remember the name, yet ANOTHER Teir'dal, shipped him to Theer personally after unleashing the Void in his citadel and in turn causing it to come crashing down...and the not only managed to get away, but while Lucan was in the Void, rally the militia under her own banner.

    Cristanos has basically taken over Longshadow Alley under the premise of looking for talvus/tayil. yeah, like her fanatical Arasai or the DEs loyal to her are just gunna up and leave even if they find them.

    Same with Opal, under the guise of searching for Tayil, has infiltrated all the Freeport guilds, knows what lucan is, and potentially now has access to a spell the Temple of War has that may be able to destroy a Wraithguard. and if it can't, I'm sure she can refine it so it will...or her allies in Neriak can.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  13. Malleria Well-Known Member

    It's not just Freeport that has left the Combine though. Maybe officially, but the entire premise of the ToV expansion wasn't to kill Kera or his army, it was to try to pull the Combine back together and more specifically to pull the dragons back into it. After Yelinak was killed the main link between the Claws of Veeshan and the New Combine was cut - we went to ethernere (again) to ask Yelinak how to bring them back.

    I'm hoping we'll at least see the last Crusader come in and kick some ***.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  14. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    I swear at this point I'd not be shocked to have a wizard of Oz type deal, with Lucan retained as figurehead and someone behind the smoke and mirrors. Maybe nix the hourly execution loop, and have a less twisted set of laws.

    And maybe I missed this in lore but what does Drinal think of the wraithguards? Does he or his steward know of them? As I understand it, they are pretty much making a mockery of the cycle of physical and spiritual life and death, so their presence would not be popular with Drinal, right?
  15. Ucala Well-Known Member

    the little cartoon at the start of the insider was giving a brief history on the lore of Ages End.
    it said something though that got me slightly confused.
    it said your guild and 3 other guilds are gonna team together to beat Kefyrem../
    Avahlynn likes this.
  16. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    I noticed that as well, and guilds, not raid groups...

    Curious wording.
  17. Ucala Well-Known Member

    by the way it sounded, it was like a server/game wide event (similar to unlocking frogloks).
    which could be a good thing or bad thing
  18. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    I beleive that was a referance to the 3 guilds on the PvP server that joined thier entire forces together in EQ1 to basically Zerg Kerafyrm down over the course of 3 hours.
  19. Xentin Member

    That video wasn't SOE official. It is actually from the YouTube channel "LORE in a minute" where they do all kinds of little bits like that of many games and developer companies. However I think it is referencing The Combine army and so on as the guilds.

    This is the said video at beginning of the livestream. They also have a few other EQ1, EQ2 and Next videos.
  20. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    yeah those are a ,ix of stuff form eq1 and eq2 into a funny little cartoon. in EQ2 kera never rampaged across the world and found a tablet he misread, (depending on how you view the story I suppose. considering what he does when set free in eq1, and all the dragons that AREN"T dead in eq2 and don't remember getting the snot kicked out of them) and in eq1 ther was the 3 guilds that united and killed him.

    kera wasn't instantly put to sleep, either...yeah cute video, prolly not the best source for info